Potts and me finally make it out of the lab and out of the building when her phone starts ringing. She answers it frantically.

"Tony! Tony, are you okay?" Tony? He's here?

"Obadiah, he's gone insane! He built a suit. And has this little girl all tied up and bruised. And ahh!"

The pavement infront of us exploded creating an opening on the ground where Obadiah climbed out.

"Where do you think you're going?" He tried to reah for Potts but I pushed her away.

"Your services are no longer required little girl" He aimed the weapon at me and I knew there was no point in trying to avoid it. I was going to be killed by my own weapon. How poetic. I close my eyes and wait for the pain but it never comes.

"Stane!" A red and gold suit flies down and takes Stane away from me and Potts. I look back and see the bloned woman, who looked like she was about to pass out.

"Potts are you ok?" I ask her calmly moving closer to her.

"Me?! Are you ok? You're all bruised up sweetheart. We need to get you to a hospital-"

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Miss Potts, was that Tony Stark? The one in the red suit?" Potts eyes widen in realization.

"You're the kid! The kid Tony was looking for, right? Nadia?"

"Yes...and no. My real name's Isabel."

"No wonder we couldn't find any records of you. We were all starting to belive he was just imagining you the whole time, as like a coping mechanism or something-"

"-Tony looked for me?" I had to interrupt her nervous ramble. Baffled by the notion that Tony actually looked for me. I had thought he'd forgotten about me and just left me for dead or that he probably thought I was dead since I free fell from the sky to the ground.

"Yes. He spent all of his days down in his basement, obsessed in making a better suit so he could go save you. But after a while of searching, he started to think you were dead."

"Oh my god-" our conversation was cut short by Tony crashing on the rooftop above us closely followed by Obadiah.

"Tony! Oh, my God, are you okay?"  Potts said putting a hand over her ear. She must have an earpiece on.

"What's going on? What's he saying!?" I ask looking between Potts and the fight going on, on the rooftop

"He's running out of power!" She informes me.

"Tony! Well, how are you going to do that? I don't understand- what? O-ok um Nadia- or Isabel,Tony needs to tell you something." She hands me the earpiece so I put it on.

"Tony?" I ask once I put the earpiece.

"Hey killer, I need you to do a little favor for me is that cool?" I heard his voice say.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Go to the central console, open up all the circuits. When I get clear of the roof, I'll let you know. You're going to hit the master bypass button. It's going to fry everything up here."

"Okay. I got it, I'm going in now"

"Make sure you wait till I clear the roof. I'll buy you some time. Oo, this looks important!-"

I take off the earpiece and hand it to Potts .

"Come on we gotta go." I tell her and we both run inside.

"Ok what are we doing?!"

"We're going to overload the reactor and blast the roof."

"Blast the roof?!" She asks thinking she misheard me.

"Blast the roof straight off."

"What about Tony!"

"He's gonna get off it and when he does we make Obadiah go bye bye." I start working on the panels.

"Bye bye- Yeah that sounds much nicer than saying we're gonna blow him up." She says sarcastically, still freaking out.

"It does,doesn't it?" I smirk while pulling all the levers and getting everything ready to blow.  "Ok Potts can you hand me the earpiece?"

"Yeah, here" She hands it to me and I put it on.

"It's ready, Tony! Get off the roof!" I tell him.

I get anxious as I see him still on the roof fighting with Stane.

"Killer! It's time to press the button."

"You told me not to!"

"What? What is it? What's going on?!" Potts asks.

"He wants me to press the button." I tell her.

"No Tony! You'll die!" She yells up at him.

"Just do it!" He yells in my ear.

"Tony I can't-"

"Push it!"

Damn you Tony Stark! I close my eyes and without thinking I hit the button. A huge beem of light shoots up towards the roof.

"C'mon Potts, we gotta go" I grab her arm and run out the building with her just in time before the whole thing exploded pushing us both to the floor.  Potts threw her self-over me to try and cover me. Why would she do that? She doesn't even know me.

Once the explosion was over we get up and try to look up at the roof to see if we can spot Tony.

But we see nothing.


One more chapter and Isabel Stark: Control is done.

I can't wait to finish iron man 1 and start writing the other movies!! It's gonna get better I promise.

Also go check out my tik tok for more  Isabel Stark. @brielle319_wattpad
Isabel Stark trailer posted.

Anyways, that's all for now

XOXO, Brielle 💋

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