I hope you're right...

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Hinata Shouyou, a name that could make anyone perk up and smile in an instant. Why?

Because he was a bundle of sunshine that everyone adored!

His fluffy orange hair, his brown-doe eyes, his milky soft skin, his height, everything about him just screamed 'I'm the cutest bitch alive!'

And if he wasn't cute enough, he was adorably shy and got embarrassed easily!

Other than getting confessions every other day, his life wasn't anything too unordinary, he got good grades, he had lovely friends and a loving family.

He never knew his dad, probably because his parents had a divorce shortly after he was born, but it wasn't like his dad was a bad person!

He made an honest mistake when he was drunk once and accepted that he couldn't win her back.

But that's enough of a summary, let's get to the real story, shall we?


The spring tournament was coming up in a few weeks and Hinata was having mixed feelings.

He was excited about it because there was a possibility of them going to Nationals but all of that excitement was drowned out by overwhelming anxiety.

What if they lose in the first round? What if people judge him? Will he mess up? Everyone will be watching him. The teams they might go up against are probably really scary. What if they go up against Aoba Johsai in the first match?

With the amount of thoughts that were floating around his head all at once, he failed to notice his surroundings and barged into someone.

"Watch where you're going, dumbass!" It was Kageyama, of course it was.

Him and Kageyama never had a normal relationship, Tobio was always at Hinata's neck, shouting at him for the most stupid reasons.

"I-I'm sorry!" Hinata stuttered before swiftly picking himself up and dashing home, not really bothering to go to practice.

Why should he go to the place where he's most vulnerable?

-----Timeskip brought to you by the alphabet having no reason to be in alphabetical order-----

As Hinata began to walk to the living room, he heard his mother talking to someone. There's no harm in eavesdropping in, right?

Wrong. He heard that his mother was talking to his father who he hadn't seen in years. What were they talking about you ask?

They were talking about Hinata going to live with his father for the next few years.

Hinata's mind went into a panic. 'This can't be happening, not like this!' Hinata went to run into his room. "Shouyou, I know you heard." Hinata's mother sighed, causing Hinata to flinch. Here we go.

"I'm assuming that you've already heard what I was talking about." "Y-yeah." Hinata looked down and muttered.

Hinata's mother took Shouyou into her warm embrace, stroking his hair. "Look, I know you don't like it at the moment, but you will after a few weeks!" Hinata looked up at his mother and gave her a soft smile.

"I hope you're right…"

Hello my lovelies, my jublies and non-binary tublies! How've y'all been?

Like I have said multiple times, this is a reupload of the original story, I do not own Haikyuu or the majority of the characters in this book, all I own is this story and that is it.

Till the next chapter, this is Jay-coms signing out.

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