Final Authors Note

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I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that's voted, commented and read my book ! All the support I've had whilst writing it has been amazing and I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate it... I'm literally so grateful for everyone that's been reading.

I had a lot of fun writing this, even though I lost many hours of sleep over it but I love this book so much. I started writing it in June and to think it's over it's crazy, I'm gonna definitely miss posting a new chapter everyday.

I look back on the first few chapters and I can't even believe how far this book has come, and I'm the person who bloody wrote it ! It's definitely been a journey.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't completely heartbroken after the fact that's it over... but I think it ended pretty well for Lottie. I'm really, really sad that's it's come to an end but I've certainly got more books to publish !

So once again a huge, huge, huge thanks to everyone :)

If people actually want one, I might consider writing a sequel to this book- which will mainly just be cute little snippets of their married life with Emily. But... if that's something any of you would actually like to read then let me know and I might start writing it :)

Again- a huge thanks to all of you, it was amazing !!! And I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and a happy new year :)

Thank you all so, so, so much, I've had a grate time reading all your comments, it's definitely been an experience hehe

- Scarlett <3

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