69- the end

364 9 40

27h September 1978

"Ahh it's nice to be home." Roger swung the door open to our now huge house and let out a sigh of relief. Emily came rushing through the door, a bright smile as she dived onto the sofa and let her tiny frame sink into it.

"Isn't it just Mr.Taylor ?" I smiled, dumping my bag onto the sofa before crashing down besides Emily.

"Oh yes Mrs.Taylor..." Roger fell down the opposite side of her, sighing with relief when the familiar feeling of the leather against his skin hit him. It was a little strange being Mrs.Taylor, being Roger Taylor's wife, but I was amazing. Almost crazy, but amazing.

"I'm hungry." Emily announced, arms crossed as she looked up at me, and then her dad. I laughed as Roger brushes her blonde back and chuckled at her pouting lips and furrowed brows

"I'll get her a snack or something if you go get me a jumper. It's freezing in here." He nodded and dashed up the stairs, running up them like a child would. "What do you want then ? cereal ? Toast ? I need answers here kiddo."

"Chocolate." She exclaimed, throwing her arms out as I smiled down at her.

"Of course you do. Well you can have a kitkat if you want ?" She nodded frantically, almost knocking herself over before I unwrapped the chocolate bar and passed it to her.

"Thank you." She smiled, snapping the bar in two before almost eating a whole piece.

"Wow you really were hungry... jeez."

"Peps ? What's this ?" Roger yelled, bombing down the stairs with an additional item in his hand. It took me a moment to register what it was, but I soon realised it was an album, a photo album, but I wasn't sure which one.

"That's an old photo album." He smiled a little, crashing back down onto the sofa shortly before I sat next to him, the two of us both glancing at the first image as he turned the page.

"Flipping hell ! Look at that fringe." He laughed, pointing at the picture of me in college. I had a huge fringe, a little skirt on and a book firmly held in my grasp. I hadn't looked at that album for years, probably since I'd moved out of my old flat.

"Oh that's an old one. There won't be many of you in there." He shrugged, wrapping an arm around Emily as she sat on the opposite side of him, only half a Kit Kat in hand. He turned the page again, this time letting out a small groan when he registered who it was.

"Who's that ?" Emily pointed at an old picture of Noah, one of him sat on my old sofa, earning a short lived sigh from Roger.

"That my darling- is a douche bag... but you can't say that word cause it's for grownups." He smiled a little, turning the page again when I laughed at Emily's wide eyes. This time I was a tad taken back by the image, my head full of those memories that had been stored away for what felt like years.

"Who's that then ?" She pointed at a picture of Emily, my younger sister.

"That's auntie Emily. You were named after her." Roger replied, his eyes glancing at mine as I nodded slowly. Emily's eyebrows furrowed, a little confused when she tried to place why she didn't recognise the face.

"Why don't I see her ? I see auntie Mary and auntie ron, and auntie Chris."

"Because she's in a very, very special place called heaven." Roger said gently, brushing her hair back again as she titled he hair slightly.

"Can I go there ?"

"You will one day gorgeous. But not for a very, very, very long time." I added, smiling faintly as she finally finished her Kit Kat and nodded a little.

"She was very pretty wasn't she ?" Roger flipped the page again to see another picture of my younger sister, this time in a long dress that might of been her prom dress.

"She looks like a princess." Emily exclaimed, me and Roger laughing lightly as she jumped of the sofa and did a very, very dramatic twirl in the middle of the living room.

"She was a princess. Just like you." Roger smiled a little, glancing at me with a very small sympathy in his eyes. "You best go upstairs and wash your chocolatey hands hey kid ?"

Emily nodded, slightly hesitantly bombing up the stairs as I shook my head. Roger turned through a few more images, ones of Freddie and Brian and many of me on nights out with the boys, until he found the one picture of me and him.

"Christ look at me and you there !" He laughed, both me and him slightly taken back by our outfits and make up and certainly questionable haircuts. "God my hair's longer than yours !"

"I miss your long hair. It was easier to pull." I smirked, Roger scoffing a little as my cheeks flushed red.

"And I miss those skimpy dresses. I mean- your tits in that Christ. I miss that little black leather number you used to wear. You wore it the first time we kissed. But I liked that red one."

"We weren't even together in that." I remembered. I never got bored of looking at it, just appreciating me and him, and how we always cared for one another, even when I wasn't his.

"I know. You kept it on your bedside locker until I got you that album at Christmas, the one with all of those photos of us." Roger smirked, my eyes widening as I suddenly remembered that was the exact picture that I'd kept of me and him back when we weren't even together.

"Yeah... god that feels like years ago." We shared a small glance, one where his blue blue eyes looked at like the same way they always would. He suddenly remembered something, something I was clueless to as he quickly pulled out his wallet.

"I think you should keep this there now." He passed me a little Polaroid of me and him on our wedding day, one Freddie must of taken. We were shockingly in the exact same position- the only difference was we were marrying one another. But we had the same smiles and the same look in our eyes that showed how much we always would care for each other.

And that's when it hit me.

Everything had fallen so strangely perfectly in to place. I was married to the man who loved me more than anything, and we were raising our gorgeous daughter together whilst one of us toured the world and the other stayed home.

Seven years ago when I first lied eyes on that long haired, blonde, blue eyed drummer wearing his shirt unbuttoned and a pair of necklaces, I would of burst into a fit of laughter if someone would of told me this is how our story would play out.

It seemed crazy, everything that had happened between us. And where we were now. But it didn't mean I didn't love every bit of the life we shared, and I knew the future was going to be just as ridiculously crazy and perfect as every day I spent with Roger. And Freddie, and Brian, and John, and Emily, and Chrissie and Ronnie and Mary and everyone that made our lives as amazing as they were.

So that's the way it was written. Mine and his path was always full of surprises and plotwists and moments that would send a flutter of butterflies to the pit of your stomach. And it was perfect. Our bizarrely perfect love story.

"I'm surprised you remember that Rog. That was years ago." I laughed, looking up at his big blue eyes the same way I always did as he smirked that god damn smirk he always did.

"Cmon Peps... why would I forget ?"

The end

Why would I forget ? | Roger Taylor Where stories live. Discover now