"Wuxian wants to hear to! Wuxian wants to know what daddy has said! No secrets!" Wuxian complained feeling very offended.

"You're dear mother has a lot of secrets, you will be surprised once you come to know the thing's your mommy is hiding." Yibo said his eyes on xiao zhan, zhan knew what Wang yibo was talking about, it looks like he really held a grudge against him because of Zhao Hongfei, but he is already dead and their relationship isn't the same.

"Mommy tell me! Are you hiding something yummy from Wuxian?" Wuxian asked not knowing the situation that was at hand.

"Mommy has no secrets, daddy is just joking." Zhan answered and entered Wang yibo car, he looked at his wrist which was already red and gritted his teeth in anger.

"Where are you driving to Wang yibo?" Zhan asked not trusting Wang yibo one bit, not only did he use the presence of Wuxian to take him wherever god knows where, xiao zhan is not sure what Wang yibo is planning to do.

"I have something important to do, if you will not speak, then please let me go." Zhan added since Wang yibo ignored him, the car came to a stop, yibo carried Wuxian, ,and still held xiao zhan hand and forced zhan to follow him where he was going, few minutes later, zhan found himself in a beautiful house, not only beautiful but expensive.

"Wuxian go ahead and play, daddy has something to discuss with mommy." Yibo said and watched Wuxian leave, before his attention returned back to xiao zhan and his smile dissapered.

"Beating me up, humiliating me and calling me a homeless rat, you think i will easily let it go! You were so wrong, i will make you regret for ever trying to play such stance on me, and whenever you think of trying to do what you did, then you will stop yourself remembering what i will do to you today!" Yibo added and carried xiao zhan bridal style.

"You put me down! You Pervert brought me here to take advantage of me! Try fucking me and watch me cutting off your dick! You think i don't know what your planning to do!" Zhan shouted but he found himself on bed and Wang yibo hovered on top of him.

"Remember you kicked my balls last night, do you know how painful it was? I thought my heart will jump out of my mouth any second shouldn't you be responsible for making me impotent." Yibo who completely stopped xiao zhan from moving said, making xiao zhan to roll his eyes.

"That's none of my business whether you become impotent or not! I will not take responsibility, go have your fiance Pei yuan taste whether you're already impotent or not, and how i pray you're dick will forever remain flaccid and never erect! I will be happiest xiao zhan in the whole world! I would love to see how you will fuck you're dearest fiance when it couldn't even stand!" Zhan answered, but stiffened when yibo teared his shirt leaving him shirtless.

"Then i would love to see if my useless unrected dick will make you moan or not! I want to see if you will still have the mouth to insult me after this!" Yibo shouted and used his free hand to skillfully touch xiao zhan sensitive spots that will easily make xiao zhan to give in and be turned on.

"You bastard. ..ahhh. ..i will not forgive you for this! ...ahhh!" Zhan shouted between moans, knowing very well no matter how hard he tries he will never escape this. Wuxian on the other hand was amazed with the beautiful place that had everything that he liked, he never knew what his dear mother was going through.

"Remember legally you're still my partner, i have a right to have sex with you!" Yibo said and kissed xiao zhan neck.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me Zhao Hongfei has a right to have sex with me too. ...ahhh can't you do it slowly! It hurts!" Zhan regretted his words when Wang yibo turned into a beast just because he mentioned the word Zhao Hongfei, zhan begged for mercy, but yibo didn't hear any of xiao zhan pleadings.

"Y-you beast using my weakness to fuck me, i swear i will not forgive you for this!" Zhan who couldn't even move said with his hoarse voice because of screaming or was it moaning for hours while looking at Wang yibo who was already showered, changed his clothes and he seems to be leaving.

"Did you read the document that you were brought by my lawyer few days ago? We live separately but you will be satisfying me like before! You even signed, if you dare mention that name of a bastard Zhao Hongfei, i will make you suffer!" Yibo who seems not to be bothered at all answered, zhan felt like dying, he didn't read the conditions to the end, this beast did this on purpose.

"You tricked me! You're lawyer and you planned this all along! You hate me touching you! You said my filthy hands and body doesn't deserve to touch you! Not only are you forcing yourself on me, you have your fiance Pei yuan to pleasure you! How dare you! Just divorce me and let me go! You know i love you and you're doing this to intentionally hurt me!" Zhan said and broke down into tears, it really hurts knowing the same man who sleeps with you, is doing the same thing with someone else and it clearly shows he doesn't care at all.

"Hurt you? You were already married when you married me xiao zhan! But you never even once before our marriage told me you were married! Just imagine how much I am hurt knowing the person i love so much is married to someone else! You betrayed me xiao zhan, you hurt me and on top of that you used me! You have been taking me as a fool all these years!" Yibo shouted in anger and punched the lamp that was nearby, shattering it into pieces.

"I never intended to hide it from you, i was just scared and not courageous enough to tell you, i love you and i was honestly happy getting married to you, i was forced by the circumstances that i was in to marry Zhao Hongfei, but you never gave me a chance to explain myself!" Zhan tried to get up but collapsed back to bed because of the pain he was feeling.

"Circumstances forced you to marry that bastard? You think i will believe that! Now you're thinking of another lie to tell me about you're great marriage and you expect me to listen! You don't love me you only loved the good life!" Yibo answered making xiao zhan to grit his teeth in anger.

"Go to hell and die! I will never bother with a stupid man like. ...ahhh, i was using my mouth i never got physical! It hurts, release me now!" Zhan shouted in tears.

"You just speak but you don't insult me or curse me we clear?" Zhan immediately nodded his head, yibo released xiao zhan and walked out, but he stopped his tracks.

"Wuxian is with my bodyguards, he will be returned later in the evening." Yibo said and walked out.

"Is my son back? You said he left last night." Ni mantian asked Pei yuan.

"You're asking me? He must have gone to see that good for nothing xiao zhan! He was the one who came to my parents and said he wants to marry me! He loves me and want a family with me! But now look what he doing and treating me like trash!" Pei yuan shouted in tears, just thinking about xiao zhan being together with Wang yibo makes her want to kill xiao zhan and completely erase him from this world.

"I know my son better, he will never stoop so low and follow that good for nothing bitch!" Yibo mother reassured Pei yuan, but her guts tells her, Wang yibo really went to see xiao zhan, he knows Wang yibo very well, with how he used to behave, he is completely smitten with that poor good for nothing xiao zhan.

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