Chapter Two

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The brownies were just the right mixture of burnt and chewy. The ingredients were mostly spewn all over the kitchen, but some of them got into the bowl. Although we had some food on us, food that was extra and we had decided to have a food fight with. The battle was on, and I was hiding behind an overturned table my hair covered by the only dishcloth in the house.

"Anya, it is brutal out there." Seth's voice piped up next to me, scaring the spit out of me.

"Seth," I hissed smiling. "Shh! They will hear us, and come after us." I paused to peak over the table at what was left of the tiny kitchen. Jake was throwing a fistful of flour at the paper-white Embry, while Quill was throwing tablespoons of water at no one in particular. Poor Quill, he really didn't understand that water rarely ever killed someone. I ducked down again. "Okay, I'm going to the oven; the oven is blinking and soldier we both know what that means. Okay, so I know what that means. Just cover me." I counted slowly, trying to figure the lest oblivious way to the ancient oven. "Go!" I shouted the last word and started to power crawl to the oven; Seth grabbed a frying pan and held it to our right, moving quickly with me.

We almost made it to the oven, before the unthinkable happened. Quill grabbed Seth and held him in a head lock. I hesitated, torn between duty and my fellow soldier. "Go, on! Leave me behind." Seth shouted, I nodded stiffly, and hurried to the oven.

 The second I opened the door, all the fighting stopped. Jake opened the curtains, and all the guys started to sing Hallelujah. The brownies were carried carefully to the island, and then we bowed our heads for a moment of respect. Then, we all looked around trying to decide what to do next.

"We could.... Go to the beach." Embry offered. This was met with cheers and the cries from all the guys that they would drive. They started bickering between themselves on who would drive, while I looked on in amusement.

"Seth, last time you drove we hit two mailboxes and Mrs. Freidman's cat."

"Well, Embry, last time you drove we missed the mailboxes and plucked the mail out of Mailman's Robins hand."

"Quill, you cannot hide my keys in your pocket again, they smelled like moldy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a week."

"That wasn't me that was the basket that you insisted we put all of our clothes into."

"Well, our keys weren't supposed to be in your pocket."

"What is your point?"

I put two fingers in my mouth and whistled loud enough for the god's to hear. "Guys! Seth, you drive. Embry, you drive on the way back. Quill, you can drive to the thing tonight. Okay, goodness the way you argue you would think you were raised by a pack of wolves." As soon as this came out of my mouth I froze. Please let them still think the legends are foolish. Please let them not know that in a few months they are going to become wolves. I prayed in my head. The guys just laughed, scoffing at history.

"Anya, what would we do without you?" Seth asked, but I ignored him and made my way to the car thinking of all the things I would do without them. I stepped in the passenger seat and locked the door, fingering the keys. My phone rang; I looked to the caller ID to see who it was. JESS THE AMAZING flashed up at me in a florescent lime green. I really need to remember not to let her near my cell to change her name- last week it was JESS THE BROKEN HEARTED, she was sad that Mike had gotten a new girl friend. Really don't understand that relationship.

"Yellow?" I asked. I had barely gotten the 'o' out of my mouth before an excited Jess came on the line.

"Mike broke up with that girl. She hadn't really been over Greg, and you know Mike doesn't like rebound. I am so happy!! In a sad sort of way of course. Mourning my best friend breaking up with his girl friend in hard. Hey! We can go shopping to cheer him up!" I rolled my eyes at her suggestion. Moat likely the only one getting cheer up would be her. "Where are you? I can pick you up in five; it can be like in that movie that we saw the other day. You know where Audrey Hepburn shot Peter O'Toole and then she drove him to his hotel, but didn't realize she couldn't get back."

I scrunched up my forehead trying to think how that had anything to do with picking me up. Then I remembered. Mike's girl friend before the last used to quote movies and Mike loved it. He loved her too until he found out that she was stealing money from Mike's family's bait shop. Then it was sort of over. "Sure Jess, whatever you say. However, I can't go shopping because I am in my second home. You know I can't leave for any reason, other than if Alice has a fashion emergency that I have to calm her down from, or Edward needs the piano tuned again." Yes, in 100 years Edward has not learned how to tune a piano. Before I came along with my amazingness (yes that is a word), he had been hiring someone. Do they pay me? No! Anyway, "Sorry! May be Mike still wants to shop. Pretend it's a date. Just don't tell him that; one of these days you are going to have to let me tell him that you like him and he secretly like you back. If you pretend that you just like him like a friend anymore I think you are going to explode."

"Anya, this is why I love you. You are so over dramatic. I seriously doubt that I am going to explode. Thanks for the-" Jess's voice cut off, and I heard her yelling to someone away from the phone. They yelled back and Hess got back on the phone sighing. "Got to go, someone let Mimi into the peanut butter and she is covered in it. Guess who's on bath duty? Right, me. Bye!"

"Bye! Take care and don't you dare kill Mimi. She still owes me for the time I took her on a walk and she cased a squirrel up a tree and I got a bark mask." I said, laughing. I clipped the phone shut, and open my eyes to see the guy staring back at me from outside the car. I waved flirtingly at them and they scowled back. I laughed and unlocked the door in slow motion.

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