chapter 11

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Ganyu sat there with the judges and she awkwardly stared at me. It was honestly kinda creepy, her face of course; she was tomato red. How did she even get in here? And why is there? And I'm not ready to see her right now. And I can't do this. Deep breaths, I tell myself let's not act rationally, I need this job I've got absolutely no money.

"Most of you put on an amazing show for all of us," I'd forgotten about the part that we had to win to even do this job. My mind was far too occupied with thoughts on why and how and what is the chance she would be here right now? "Well, after much discussion we've decided that only 20 of you will pass this year." They continued explaining how all of this would work, they would call our name and if we're called we passed. One by one the people called stood forward, then...

"Y/N L/N"

Something on my lips arose into what is an unconscious adept at a smile. I took the steps forward and kept my eyes on the floor because she was staring right at me. Everything was still going faster than preferable, even my uneven heartbeat that pumped through and out of my chest.

"You all have passed the exam, congratulations! You are all officially part of the adventurers guild! To all the other applicant's good luck next year."

Some gave a sad huff while others just slouched and walked out. By this point, I could see Ganyu headed down to the arena. Her beautiful frosty blue hair swayed as she ran down the stars.

Inevitably we would have to talk but now really is not the time. I'm hoping it's dark enough that she won't be able to see my face.


"Where have you been?!" Is she shouting at me?

"I'm really sorry Ganyu, I really am something happened and-"

My hands gripped each other to try and calm myself down. If I could I swerve everything would be spilled out of me.

"Why did you run from me! And ignoring me too?!"

"I'm really sorry, I can't do this not now. There's nothing I can say to you that would make sense and it's just that..."

My eyes start to wet. Not because of her or what happens when I'm around her. Everything is so much, too much. It's only been one month since I came here and it feels like so much less. Everything is so different and I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I hold my lip so it will stop quivering. There's no good reason for me to hold this back then why would I even try...

There's a glint of sadness in her eyes that I won't tell her anything. How easy it would be to read your mind Miss Ganyu, everything could peace together so easily. She extended her arms like an invitation. And I let her, I let her.

She had such a warm embrace it made everything feel complete, simple, easy. my wet eyes were on her clothes that were now a little soggy. She said nothing more, that was just the thing I needed. Her grip on me was strong like she didn't want to let go, her chin tucked into my shoulder. The only thing I hope is she can't feel my heartbeat right at this moment. If only this could last forever I want to bottle up this moment and live it forever. The person I'm around her is better and happier.

Sooner or later we would have to stop hugging which is really disappointing...

"You know," Ganyu continues, "you don't have to tell me anything right now, and you don't need to overstress yourself, I'm here and I'll stay."


We both walked out of there together and talked about what had happened since my little freakout; Ganyu didn't ask me about it or overstep any boundaries. Which I appreciated very much, she was just there. Then time passed and we got back to town, there we went on to her house. The walk helped us understand each other more. We were closer now because of this. I knew more about her than I did before, how she feels, and how life is for her, the conversations we had were important, meaningful. Throughout the walk the more I understood how much she meant to have her in my life and she looked like she wanted to know about me as well, so I told her my past. How my life was and my family is and why I left in the first place in more detail.

She didn't look at me any different, her eyes stayed on me through it all and she genuinely listened.

We were nearing how home I really started to realize it. The feeling I had, it's not friendship.

I like Ganyu. Like, I like-like her in a way where I want to tell her everything and hold her in my arms and spend every second with her.

"We're here." She said then I looked at her home's door.

In front of there stood a man, a handsome one with dark green hair with lighter steeked pieces. Some green tattoos, clothes that fit him extremely well that had horns on his shoulder. In his hands, he held a bouquet of Qingxin flowers. I got a sinking feeling in my chest. Who. Is. This.  

A/N: Hey everyone! I know it's been a while my excuse is that I've been reading a lot and school and UGH anyway sorry that the chapter is very short ill make it up by posting another chapter next week. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.3K BTW! u all are crazy srsly >:T OK BYE!!

frozen love// Ganyu x fem reader (short story)Where stories live. Discover now