we talked about it for a bit more before him and xavier fell into their own conversation, and me and claudia fell into one.

me and claudia were sitting on the same couch. i was sitting crisscrossed, fidgeting with a bike chain, while claudia had one of her legs pulled up to her chest, and she had her arms wrapped around it.

"so... you and billie seem pretty close, huh?" she wiggled her eyebrows.

"huh?" my eyes widened. i could feel heat rising to my cheeks as i blushed. "what do you mean exactly?"

she shrugged. "i dunno. you're always holding hands, or hugging, or cuddling." she pointed out.

"i mean, we kinda have to—"

"only when you're where paps can see you; they can't see you when you're on the tour bus or in the green room. you two clearly don't do it just because you have to." she giggled.

"bro, whatever," i waved her off. "we're just friends."

"do you want to be just friends though?" she questioned.

i pulled my hood over my head, and i shrugged. "maybe, maybe not."

"aspen!" she gasped. "come on, honestly."

"i mean, yeah, it'd be nice to be more than friends." i admitted in a mumble.

"you should tell her that."

"that's a lot easier said than done though."


thankfully, tonight is a hotel night, meaning that we didn't have to sleep on the tour bus.

i finished up with my shower. i dried my hair a bit, brushed my teeth, and did my face care routine. as i was finishing up though, i heard a knock on the door.

my brows furrowed, though i slipped my robe on before walking over to the door. i looked through the peep hole, though i had to stand on my tiptoes to do so. i saw that it was just billie, so i opened the door.

"what's up?" i raised a brow.

"i can't sleep," she mumbled as she stuffed her hands into her hoodie pocket. "you mind if i sleep with you?"

"not at all," i gave a smile as i stepped aside to let her in. "here, c'mon."

she walked in, and i closed the door behind her, locking it again. she walked over to the bed, while i walked back to the bathroom to continue getting ready for bed.

once i did, i stepped out to see that she was sitting on the left side of the bed. her back was against the headboard, and one of her legs were propped up. her arm was resting on her knee, and she was scrolling through her phone.

she looks really hot right now.

i walked over and i got into the bed next to her. the only light that was on in here was the lamp on the nightstand on my side of the bed.

"you look really pretty." she complimented after she turned her phone off and turned to look at me

"thank you," i murmured. "so do you. you're literally gorgeous."

she smiled, though waved her hand to dismiss. "thank you." she bit her lip a bit.

"of course."

i then turned to turn the lamp off. i laid down, and billie immediately pulled me into her arms. she kept her arms wrapped around my waist, though we both laid just facing each other.

it was dark as hell in here though, so i couldn't really make out any of her facial features.

we stayed quiet for a while, trying to go to sleep. for some reason, i couldn't fall asleep.

i had assumed that she had fallen asleep, but was proven wrong when her hand moved up to cup my cheek softly. my eyes widened and i tensed up for a second, though quickly relaxed as she started stroking my cheekbone with her thumb.

"you're still up," she commented quietly. "why?"

"i dunno... just can't sleep." i whispered back.

"me neither." she sighed.

it was quiet once more for a few minutes.

"you're seriously really pretty." she blurted out, though her voice was still low, and even a bit raspy.

"you can't even see me—"

"oh my god," she giggled. "my point still stands. you're pretty."

"thank you." i murmured.

i felt her move closer, and then she pulled my body flush against her's. i could feel her lean in, though she stopped.

"is this okay?" she whispered. "i really wanna kiss you, but if you're not okay with it, then that's perfectly okay."

"it's more than okay." i answered.

that was all she needed to hear before closing the small gap between us to press her lips to mine. our lips meshed together perfectly, and she somehow pulled me even closer to her.

i was grateful that the lights were off, because it's kinda embarrassing how flushed my cheeks are right now, but i'm sure she can feel the heat of it, being as though her hand was still cupping my cheek.

i moved so that i was straddling her waist. i cupped both of her cheeks, and i tangled my fingers into her hair as we made out.

after a while, we pulled back, both of us were panting slightly, and our lips were undoubtedly swollen. i rested my forehead against her's. her hands, which at some point had moved down to grip my waist, moved up and down my sides.

it was quiet for a moment, before she let out a quiet, awestruck "wow."

i giggled at that before dipping my head down to the crook of her neck. she wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me flush against her body again, and letting me lay on top of her.

i pressed a few light kisses to her neck. "bro, stop, that tickles!" she laughed as she tried to squirm away.

i laughed too, before falling onto the bed beside her.

i lifted my hand up to cup her cheek. i just rubbed her cheekbone with my thumb for a bit.

"okay, we should probably actually try to go to sleep now." i murmured, though i had a smile that i couldn't bite back, and i honesty, as cliché as it sounds, felt all bubbly inside and shit.

"probably." she mumbled. she leaned forward and brushed her lips against mine. "i'd rather kiss you again though."

"that sounds good to me." i giggled before pressing my lips to her's again.


a/n babiesss



how are y'all?

also— i forget to mention it, but i posted a new book lmao

also— i forget to mention it, but i posted a new book lmao

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