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I pressed the button deep in my game. I had just gotten to the final boss battle. I grin and get ready to mash buttons.

"Boo!" He screams in my ear,

I jump and tip the chair over.  My little brother Jason was laughing his head off as he takes off that horrid mask his mum bought him, "I got you, Teddy!"

I shove him out my room,  "Stay out of my room!"

I slam the door and get back to my game. It was another hour until I got to the final scene. The door creaks open,

"Go away, Jason." I warn,

"Not Jason." I hear my father's soft voice, "Care to tell me what happened between you and Jason this evening?"

I give him a look and he adjusts his glasses, "Son I know it's hard adjusting to having a mother and siblings but-"

"It's not that and she's not my mother." I said turning away from him, "That punk decided it would be funny to give me a jumpscare during a important moment in my game. "

My father puts a hand on my back, "Ted, maybe you shouldn't play video games until you can apologize to your brother."

He takes the controller from my hands, "Dad!" I yell.

"Thaddeus!" my father lost the softness in his voice, "Enough is enough! No video games until you can apologize to Jason."

He walked out with my controller. I turn off my game and get cable on. I heard the door creak open. This time I knew it was Jason.

I turn around to see the fucker in that awful fish sea creature mask. I shove him, "I fucking hate you!"

He doesn't responded and I start tugging on his mask, "Take that horrid thing off already! You're too old for that!!"

I finally peel that horrid thing off and I'm face to face with a boy, who looks like Jason but isn't Jason. He grins, sharp teeth shining. I shove him down and take off running down the hallway. Tossing the mask over my shoulder. I always hated unexpected jumpscares.

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