22 1 4

Freddy: So you want to talk about 87, huh?

Me: Yes, that's what she ASKED. Keep up, Ethan!

Freddy: Well, the one who caused the bite was-

blitzboy004 : *throws kitten at me*

Me: *kitten lands on my face* AGH, MOTHERFLUFFINGFLUFFITYFLUFFER!! GET IT OOOOFF!!!! *runs around screaming*

Freddy: 0.0 Uh..


Freddy: *pries it off* 0_0

Me: *breathes heavily*

Freddy: As I was saying, the one who caused the bite of 87 was..

Me: *dresses in pirate clothing* YAR HAR FIDDLE DEE DEE BEIN A PIRATE IS OKAY TA BE!

Foxy: *dresses in pirate clothing* DO WHAT YE WANT CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE!

Me and Foxy: YOU (YE) ARE A PIRATE!

Freddy: *facepaws* Foxy. Foxy caused the bite.

Me: YE ARE A PIRATE! *puts a pirate hat on Freddy's head*

Freddy: -.-

Foxy: :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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