Chapter 19: Trust

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"You're lost on me again."


I decided to take Audrey and Jade's advice. I didn't want this nagging feeling of insecurity and worry to go unresolved. I knew that, if I really didn't feel like confrontation, it'd fizzle out in a few days. However, I really wanted this relationship to work, and that meant no feelings would be left to mend themselves. It wasn't really a confrontation anyway. It was more of a conversation that needed to be had to clear the air and relieve me of my worry. If Sinclair and I were serious now, then we needed to get used to having mature conversations to work things out.

Audrey had suggested going out to dinner for a change, but I didn't find that to be the best idea. In the event that the conversation did turn sour, I didn't want to be in a public place. Sinclair wasn't the kind of guy to get all bent out of shape over something like this, but I wanted to be absolutely sure the setting was right for this.

I had called Sinclair, asking if he would mind if we spent the evening at his home instead of mine. His kitchen was more functional than mine was, and he definitely had a more comforting environment in place.

"What's the matter, darling?" Sinclair's sweet voice rang out, breaking me from my trance.

The glazed look in my eyes cleared as my vision properly set on him. He was standing over the stove in his kitchen, his body half turned towards me as he looked at me. I wasn't really even sure what Sinclair was cooking, because I had been in a daze for at least the last ten minutes. I couldn't have told you what he had been talking about to save my life.

"Hm? Nothing." I lied, feeling my face heat up at the fib.

I had never been a very good liar, and usually it was written all over my face when I was lying. Sinclair was also extremely smart, and he saw through people like they were the glass of a car window.

"Are you sure? You seem distracted." Sinclair added, looking at me even harder now.

"I'm good. Just hungry." I replied, hoping that answer would suffice.

Sinclair chuckled, although I could tell that he wasn't convinced with my answer.

"Dinner will be ready in just a minute. Would you mind setting the table, angel?" Sinclair questioned.

I nodded, getting two bowls from the cabinet and two spoons from the drawer. Even though we were in the midst of summer, Sinclair was preparing the most delicious smelling soup I had ever smelled. I didn't say another word as I exited the kitchen to go into the dining room. Maybe I was being too paranoid about this whole thing. I would've been the first to admit that I had trust issues, and this had been the first opportunity in a while that made them obvious. I knew that I was probably making something out of nothing, but I wouldn't have been able to rid my gut of that pesky feeling if I hadn't said anything.

I set the bowls on placemats, carefully setting the spoons to the right of the bowls. Since it was always just the two of us, we never really saw the need to make the table too fancy. That was less for us to clean up afterwards anyway.

I must've dazed out again, because the next time I snapped back to reality, Sinclair had already returned and had the food on the table. His arm snaked around my waist when caught my distant stare, my eyes flickering to his.

"Come here," He hummed, pulling me into him for a kiss. His nose bumped against mine as we kissed, my shoulders relaxing into it, "Ready to eat, pretty girl?"

I nodded, his lips pressing a soft kiss to the tip of my nose. We sat at the table, filling our bowls and beginning to fill our bellies as we ate. Our conversation was business as usual, I asked him about his day and he asked about mine. I kept my details light, since I wasn't too keen on telling him that I had been worrying about his ex-wife all day. Sinclair, though, went into a story about something David had done at work today. I caught the first part of it, and apparently David and Lindsey (remember, she's the receptionist on David and Sinclair's floor) got into it over why Lindsey kept directing calls from David's mother to his office.

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