Chapter 6: A Second Date

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"Trust your intuition and you'll create something beautiful."


There was one detail about Sinclair that Audrey forgot to mention.

While it didn't change the way that I had begun to feel about Sinclair in the slightest, it still threw me for a loop when I arrived at his home. To be completely fair, Audrey did disclose to me that Sinclair was a lover of all things elegant and tended to enjoy the finer things in life. The part that I had failed to realize was that Sinclair's entire lifestyle seemed to contain the finer things in life.

I was almost positive that I had somehow landed at the wrong house when I arrived. The house was intensely massive and impressive in just about every way. My eyes squinted as I raked over the exterior of the abode, trying to decipher if I had indeed made it to the wrong house. I double checked the address to be sure, and I was indeed at the right place.

I felt my knees turn wobbly as I made my way to the front door. I took my time as I stepped, allowing my eyes to glance over the plants and flowers outside that made the home look so wonderful. The stone pathway beneath my feet was perfectly sculpted and led a direct path to the door. I was having a hard time processing that all of this land and space was solely Sinclair's. I knew that stock analysts made good money, but THIS was much more than I could've ever anticipated.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't even realize that I had made it to the front doorstep until I heard music spilling from the inside of the house. The noise was muffled from the closed door, but I was able to determine that it was some sort of gentle jazz. My nerves had returned for the time being, my shaky hands as a testament to it.

This was only the second time I had ever seen Sinclair, and despite all of our conversations that we had been having, I still felt as if I were in the presence of a complete stranger. This was the part of dating and "getting back out there" that I hated the most. I knew that testing the waters wasn't designed to be a comfortable experience, but it just seemed to eat away at me in the worst way.

I finally brought my hand up to the door, my fist knocking against it to announce my arrival. My watch read just before 7:30, which meant I wasn't too early or too late. I heard the volume of the music decrease shortly after, as well as some frantic shuffling from somewhere within the house. I held down a giggle, hoping that Sinclair wasn't going all out at my expense. After a few more short moments of questionable noises and patience, the door opened to reveal the man of the hour.

Sinclair's smile was blinding as he greeted me, his features practically glowing as I remembered from the first time I had ever set her sights on him. Just as before, all of my anxiety and nerves dwindled down into almost nothing when I saw him. I made a note once again of how odd it was that he had that effect on me.

"Good evening, [Y/N]. Don't you look absolutely stunning!" He complimented, his eyes respectfully looking over my outfit.

Her cheeks heated at his words, my fingertips subconsciously feeling at the hem of my dress. I swallowed the hesitation in my throat, deciding to take Audrey's advice and to let my heart do all the speaking.

"Thank you. You look handsome yourself, Sinclair." I returned, taking a gander at his own choice of clothing.

He was dressed in a white collared shirt (one that I was pretty sure he had picked out just for this occasion) and black slacks. It was a bit formal for an at-home dinner date, but it looked awfully natural on him. His hair was as voluminous as usual, and the blonde just brightened his face even more. The sun was about halfway sunken below the horizon, the golden hour of the early evening casting a dazzling glow onto his face.

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