Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 3

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Officer Cabrera: We wouldn't miss this wedding for the world.

Fenton: This is Donald and Daisy's big day after all.

Gyro: So, where do we sit.

Duckworth: Duckworth emerges still in his uniform. I'd be happy to show you to your seats.

Officer Cabrera: Thank you, good ghost sir. They all look to Scrooge. By the way, I brought my police gun, tasers, and handcuffs just in case someone tries anything funny.

Gyro: Gyro holds up his ray gun. I brought my ray gun.

Manny: And I'm ready to go wild on any villains by unleashing my true form…which I swore I would never use again unless I must.

Fenton: I also brought the Gizmoduck Armour just as you requested…along with a few extras.

Webby: What do you mean by that?

Fenton, Gandra, Officer Cabrera and Gyro share smirks.

Fenton: It's a surprise.

Scrooge: Either way, thank you for taking my request.

Duckworth escorts the six of them and then Emily Quackfaster came in wearing a light blue dress, dark blue heels and white opera gloves.

Scrooge: Ah, there's my archive keeper. Thank you for coming Quackfaster.

Quackfaster: It's a pleasure to be here sir. Quackfaster brings out her sword. I also brought this for extra security as requested.

Just as she walked to pews Ludwig Von Drake and Matilda McDuck entered.

Ludwig wore a black tuxedo, green tie and black porkpie hat with a grey band and Matilda wore a yellow one-strap dress, white opera gloves and a flat yellow hat with her flower attached to.

Scrooge: Matilda!

Matilda: Scroogie!

Matilda and Scrooge embrace in a hug before holding hands.

Scrooge: Oh, it's great to see you and Ludwig made it.

Ludwig: Oh, ho, ho! We would never miss our own nephew's wedding.

Matilda: We've been wondering forever when Donald would make his proposal to Daisy.

Beakely: Beakely and Ludwig shake hands. It's always a pleasure to see you again Director Von Drake.

Ludwig: Bentina, please. I'm not a director anymore. Just call me Ludwig.

Matilda: We aren't the only ones who came, by the way.

From behind Klara, Anya and Corvus Von Drake walked up wearing their own fancy clothing.

Della: Hey, what's up cousins!

Klara: Good to see you again Della. Where's your brother?

Mabel: Dad's getting prepped up now for his big moment.

Fethry: You'll be able to see him soon.

Corvus: We're looking forward to it.

Klara: There'll be time to chat some more during dinner.

Ludwig: Well, let's take our seats.

Matilda: Come along you lot, And you Emutilda.

Emutilda comes in squawks inside before she and 5 ducks walk to take their seats just as Zan Owlson comes in wearing a wedding dress too.

Ducktales Movie 5 - Wedding Bells in DuckburgOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora