Quick question for the story A/N

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Hey guys so as the title says this is just a quick question for the story and that question is. Should I change Y/N to be an actual name or leave it. Just comment on which one below.

Keep it the same (Y/N)

Aideen: meaning - little fire; how to pronouce it - (ā - dēn)

Eira: meaning - snow; how to pronounce it - (ē - ruh)

Asterin: meaning - star; how to pronounce it - (ass - tur - ren)

Tasnim: meaning - a spring in paradise; how to pronounce it - (tas - nēm)

Willa: meaning - resolute protection; how to pronounce it - (will - u)

Nesrin: meaning - wild rose; how to pronounce it - (ness - rēn)

Zemira: meaning - a song; how to pronounce it - (ze - mar - u)

So yeah just comment on which name I should use

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