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APPLE AND REMUS walked as quickly as they could through the crowds of people in the lobby of the Ministry. Apple had no time to admire everyone like she usually did. In that moment, her full attention was on Peter Pettigrew, an excuse of a man.

Her shoes clacked harshly against the ground as she led Remus through her office - waving hello to Septimus quickly - and knocked quickly on Amelia Bones' door.

"Come in," Bones' voice sounded loudly from behind the thick door. Apple pushed it open and set the silver cage holding Peter Rat Pettigrew on her desk. Amelia was unamused. "What the bloody hell is this, Fletcher? And who are you?" she asked harshly, the last part directed toward Remus.

"This is Remus Lupin, and that rat in front of you is Peter Pettigrew," Apple said confidently albeit out of breath from the rush of the last hour.

"No, Ms. Fletcher, that is a rat," she said obviously. Apple groaned inwardly and looked over at Remus.

"Guard the door," she ordered him. Then, she stepped forward, took out her wand, and opened the cage. Peter ran out frantically, but Apple was quick, casting the spell masterfully. As Peter jumped off the desk, he grew and morphed into his regular self, although still rat-like.

Amelia's eyes widened dramatically as she stood up from her chair. "Harrington!" she called out for her assistant, "Get me some bloody handcuffs, now!" She directed her attention to Peter then. "You have a lot to confess, Pettigrew," she said, looking at him disgustedly.

Peter's eyes widened as he turned to Remus and got on his knees. "Remus! My old friend! You must help me! You wouldn't let them take me away, would you?" he pleaded. Remus' eyes glossed over as he pushed his old friend away.

"I would never help you," he said lowly. Apple grabbed Remus' hand comfortingly, smiling up at him softly.

And as they put the handcuffs on Pettigrew, Amelia Bones said the one thing Apple and Remus had been waiting to hear for months. "I believe I have a letter to write to Azkaban."

Apple and Remus were smiling messes as they exited the Ministry and walked aimlessly among the streets. Apple still held Remus' hand tightly, the feeling becoming familiar to them.

"Apple," Remus spoke softly, seriously, stopping the woman in her tracks. "I just- I- Thank you," he said sincerely.

"No, Remus. Thank you. I couldn't have done any of this if you didn't tell me all about them. I couldn't have found Peter without you, and I-" she took a breath "- I honestly wouldn't have wanted to do this without you at all."

Remus felt his ears redden as he held Apple's hand tighter, pulling her forward to keep walking. They walked past bookstores and small shops, candy stores and bakeries, but they only stopped when they arrived at the oh-so-familiar café this had all started at.

The small place was pretty emptied out. The red interior made the place cave-like, with the humidity to match it, yet it was still cozy and bright somehow - Apple just supposed it was the energy of those who remained there. Joanna smiled at the two as they came in and ordered their drinks: two black coffees. They sat down at the window seat, the cool air drying their sticky skin.

Apple took a sip and grimaced. "I still prefer your coffee," she said quietly. Remus smiled and took a sip as well, having the same reaction.

"Bloody hell," he coughed, face red, "you're right. But don't say anything, Joanna seems to have super hearing. It's rather scary..." Remus looked back at the woman, who stared back at him, hands on her hips. Apple laughed at Remus' horrified face.

"Rem, I was uh-" she cleared her throat and laughed at herself "- I was thinking about it and I think you'd be a fantastic ministry worker. I mean, you really helped me and-"

"I don't know, Apple," he said hesitantly, his mind focusing on his lycanthropy that he always seemed to forget about around her, "I'm not exactly the most reliable worker," he smiled pathetically.

"Well, neither is Sep, and he still has a job somehow," she laughed. Remus just nodded and took a large gulp of the black liquid in front of him. "What I'm trying to say is that I want to see you more, Rem. I couldn't care less if you worked with me; I just want to see you again after this," she said softly. Her hand played with the handle of her mug as she awaited Remus' response. When he didn't say anything, she started to feel her cheeks heat up and she started to tap her foot quickly. She stood up abruptly, almost knocking her chair over.

"I think I'll just g-"

She was cut off by Remus tugging her toward him and pressing his lips on hers gently. Her lips were soft and warm against his. She placed her hands on his neck gently, holding his face as if it was the most precious thing in the world. But to her, he was.

"Hey!" Joanna called out, "No kissing in my café; take that outside!"

Apple took Remus' hand and did just that.



Apple walked briskly, her hand enveloped in Remus' as they made their way toward the toilets they were going to flush themselves down. Apple's stomach was in knots, anxiousness filling her as she prepared to meet her boyfriend's best friend, aka the man she helped to set free, aka Sirius Black III, aka Padfoot.

The papers all over the Wizarding World had been plastered with headlines about Black and Pettigrew and how Remus and Apple had saved an innocent life. But Apple didn't care about the papers, she cared about what it meant to Remus and Sirius - and also about the huge promotion she got after this shit. So, as they entered the lift, Apple held Remus' hand as tight as possible, reminding him that she was there for him if he needed her.

Apple fixed her button-up and trousers as they stood outside of Bones' office. Remus smiled down at her, finding her nervousness kind of adorable. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her temple.

"Everything is going to be okay, love," he said gently. Apple smiled up at him and sighed contentedly. She nodded firmly and opened the heavy door.

Three very important people stood in the room. First was Minister for Magic, Millicent Bagnold. Second was Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones. And last, but certainly not least, was a free man, Sirius Black.

As soon as Sirius saw Remus, he launched himself at him, hugging him as tight as he could, as if he could disappear at any moment and this was all a dream. The men fell to the floor, tearful yet smiling, Sirius' posh façade falling after all this time. Even Bagnold and Bones smiled down at the ecstatic men.

"And who are you?" Sirius smirked at Apple once he recovered. Apple laughed at the man's advances as Remus rolled up his sleeves and looked sternly at his long haired friend.

"My girlfriend," Remus said, wrapping an arm around his waist, "who I told you about."

"Ah, I see...I'm totally a big fan of your whole love journey, y'know. The whole strangers to friends to strangers to friends to partners to lovers type thing. That's the shit people write books about."


last chapter!! currently unwell but also the best i've ever been. my "v" key is stuck so i have to slam it down every time i type -_-

stay tuned for the epilogue!!

please vote, follow, and comment if you want!!

edited december 15, 2021

Apples & Coffee,   Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now