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NOV. 1982

RAIN POURED DOWN harshly on the old buildings of London as Apple dashed on the cement sidewalks, her boots hitting the ground harshly and her umbrella fighting to keep up with her. Her long coat shielded her trousers from getting soaked as she did little to avoid the puddles of rainwater that seemed to cover every square inch of the city.

"Shit, shit, shit," she murmured, hurrying through crowds of people standing idly outside the bathrooms. She checked her watch: 8:39 am. She was meant to be at work ten minutes ago. If her boss noticed her lateness, she'd be sacked on the spot. She pushed through the line, ignoring the groans and complaints erupting from the crowd. She dashed into an open stall, stepped into the toilet, and flushed herself.

She was instantly met with crowds of people flooding the lobby of the Ministry of Magic. Groups of people clustered around the large fountain in the middle of the lobby, trying to figure out the way to each department. Apple closed her umbrella hastily and made her way to the lift.

The door was closing as she dashed through it, falling onto the chest of one of the five other people in the small space. "Sorry," she mumbled as she fixed her coat and straightened out her wrinkled button up. She clicked the TWO button on the wall and held onto a handle as the lift flew back and up.

"Level Two. Department of Magical Law Enforcement," the voice of the lift rang out. Apple waited impatiently for the doors to open. As soon as they did, she sped through the narrow corridor, skipping past the many doors on each side.

The large set of double doors to the Auror offices were left open. Apple could see trainees being flown back by a spell and others working diligently in the cubicles. Apple continued past, arriving at the dimly lit, shabby corridor leading to the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. She hooked a left just past the double doors and was met with the familiar face of Septimus Johanssen.

"You're late," he pointed out as they fell in step next to each other. He held an overflow of papers close to his chest. His long, brown hair was tied back into a bun, and his glasses fell down his nose slightly.

"Tell me something I don't know," she sighed as she hung up her coat near the door. "What's on the agenda for today?" She made her way to her desk behind Septimus'.

"Assignments," he said, a hint of anxiousness in his voice. Everybody knew which assignment they were hoping for. There were many trials that needed reviewing from the past year. The department had been a mess after the dozens of Death Eater trials since last October.

The chatter of the workers stopped instantly as Amelia Bones stepped out from her office, stacks of papers floating behind her. Apple straightened her posture as Amelia's eyes swept the room.

Everyone stood up from their desks and watched the stacks of papers fly around the room, finding the desks they belonged at. Septimus groaned aloud as he read his assignment.

"What is it?" Apple questioned the bespectacled boy. He picked up the top paper and showed it to her. The Trial of Lucius Malfoy. Apple fought back a small smile as the man threw his head back and squinted.

"Why do I always get the bad ones?" he asked dramatically.

"Mr. Johanssen, if you are upset with your assignment, I'd be glad to talk about it in my office," Amelia said sternly, a suppressed smirk fighting her lips.

Septimus' eyes widened and he sat down immediately, his chair rolling back slightly from the force. Apple covered her mouth to hide her laugh, trying to disguise it as a cough. Amelia's eyes rested on the last stack of papers. It was at least two feet high and had papers of all sizes and colors.

Apples & Coffee,   Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now