"Hey! Stop where you are or I won't hesitate to gut this one!"

My two classmates turn to us, immediately freezing in place. Kirishima's face falls to one of worry and Bakugou makes a move towards us, only stopping when I let out a quiet gasp, the claws just barely piercing my skin.

"What the fuck did I say?" The villain yanks me up by my hair until I'm on my toes, struggling to stay still to keep the cuts from getting any deeper. My breath catches in my chest and the panic starts to set in.


"God fucking dammit!" The blonde growls angrily before lowering his hands reluctantly. His shout pulls me from the brink and I force myself to relax, pushing aside the panic. I need a plan. Anything. They can't move or else he'll- unless... what if they didn't have to?

My eyes settle on my classmates and an idea presents itself. Pressing a hand to the body behind me, I activate my quirk and we appear between my peers. The claws tighten for just a moment but he's torn away from me by Bakugou before I can even think.

Once he and the rest of the villains are taken care of, Kirishima rushes over to me with a worried expression. "Are you okay, man? You're bleeding!"

I pull up my shirt to reveal five cuts but I'm relieved to find they didn't go very deep. I offer him a reassuring smile as I open the first aid kit strapped to my thigh, pulling out antiseptic wipes and gauze. "I'll be fine. They seem to be superficial."

Bakugou wanders over to us with an incredulous look. "You have a first aid kit on your costume? What are you? A fucking boy scout?"

I finish cleaning the cuts and glance up at him. "You can never be too prepared. Besides, every hero should have one."

The blonde rolls his eyes and soon enough we're off again. When we finally make it back to the fountain, Bakugou immediately takes off.

Spotting Aizawa-sensei being carried away by Atsui, I turn to Kirishima. "Hey, I'm gonna go help sensei... Be careful, okay?"

He gives me a thumbs up, "You too!"

As he runs after Bakugou, I try to ignore my concern for the others and pop over to my amphibious peer. "Hey, I can get you to the entrance quicker."

I gently take Aizawa's shoulder. "Hold on... this might feel strange." She takes my hand and I pop us to the entrance, off to the side.

Taking off the outer layer of my costume, I bunch it up before placing it under Aizawa-sensei's head. Pushing the fear and panic at seeing my teacher like this aside, I take out my first aid kit, pull on a pair of gloves, and begin to address his injuries.

I softly explain everything I do on the off chance he can hear me- starting with the ABC checklist. Once I'm satisfied that his breathing isn't an issue and his pulse is somewhat steady, I carefully check his arms and find them to be fractured all over. Wincing, I apologize-

"Sorry, sir... this is gonna hurt."

-and I move his arms as carefully as possible, securing them in slings to prevent any further damage. Glancing down the stairs for a moment, I see All Might fighting a strange bird creature and I notice Midoriya and Todoroki are down there with Kirishima and Bakugou. Worry fills my chest as I watch the fight for a moment.

"Wow, you're pretty good at this, ribbit."

I'm pulled out of my thoughts to see Atsui watching me.

"Oh... thanks. My mom is a nurse so I picked up a few things from her," I trail off, looking at Aizawa-sensei again. All that's left is his face but the most I can do is clean him up and try to stop the bleeding. Once I'm confident it's under control, I pack away my kit and continue to monitor his vitals.

At the sound of a crash, I turn to see the bird creature smashing through the top of the facility and All Might standing victoriously. Moments later, the doors burst open revealing Iida and various pros from the school. They quickly take control of the situation and I'm overcome with a wave of relief.

We're saved.

I stand shakily as Aizawa is taken away. One of the EMTs praises me for my quick thinking but I barely hear him as I join the others. The police arrive soon after and one of the detectives checks over the class.

"-16, 17, 18," his eyes pause on me, glancing at the cuts on my shirt before continuing. "Besides the one with the broken legs, they all seem to be relatively unharmed. Alright, kids, we gotta get you back to the school. We'll take statements later."

Astui raises her hand. "Detective, is Aizawa-sensei okay?"

The detective smiles tightly, "His arms are pretty damaged. Thanks to your classmate's actions, they should heal quicker, though. He has some facial fractures as well. Thankfully, no brain damage. But... Well, his orbital floor was severely damaged. There's a chance he could suffer a loss of vision," he holds up his phone. "Or so I hear."

He goes on to explain the statuses of Thirteen, All Might, and Midoriya and soon we're herded onto the bus and taken back to the school. Our parents are called and my mom picks me up, crying the whole way home. I guess it reminds her too much of when dad...

The next day school is canceled and I spend it locked in my room, studying all my mother's emergency trauma aid textbooks. I can't help but wish I could have done more for Aizawa-sensei.

That night, I receive a text from Shinso.

Hey. I heard about the villain attack. That was your class? Are you okay?

I stare at the text for a long moment, feeling a pit in my stomach.

yeah it was my class. im fine

Are you sure?

I look down at the books laid out across my floor and sigh.

i dont know

I feel obligated to say that while I do research before writing about the first aid, you should not by any means use this story as a guideline for actual injuries.

Also fun fact:
I'm going on a trip to Chicago in a few days by myself :) spooky

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