The Real World

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The mist swallows us and suddenly I'm falling through the air before I hit the ground with a quiet groan. After a moment, I push myself onto my knees and spot Kirishima and Bakugou to my left. I stand up and look around, only to freeze at the sight of villains surrounding us. Fear coils tight in my chest and I just barely manage to keep myself from panicking.

"Well, well, looks like we've got a few playmates." A man with horns chuckles.

I lock eyes with Kirishima and he gestures to get closer. Popping beside the redhead, I take a steadying breath. Then Bakugou grins savagely.

"You wanna play, huh? PLAY WITH THIS!"

Kicking off the ground, he dashes to the nearest villain and suddenly the battle begins. Kirishima is quick to follow Bakugou into battle, taking down villains rather and I find myself feeling useless.

My quirk isn't suited for combat and while I managed to take down some bots during the entrance exam, I doubt my abilities could do anything against real villains. The other two boys seem to make similar conclusions, beginning to circle around me, and I just take to warning the two of them of any villains coming from where they aren't looking.

"Bakugou, on your left!"

At my shout, he spins around with a kick before knocking out the villain with a small explosion. "DIDN'T NEED YOUR HELP!"

Minutes later, most of the villains are down for the count.

"That's the last of them."

"Buncha wimps." Bakugou scoffs, kicking at one of their prone forms.

Then they turn their attention to me and Kirishima flashes me a reassuring smile. "Thanks for the help, L/n!" He looks to Bakugou, before continuing. "We should hurry and go help the others. Since we're here, I bet everyone else is still in USJ. I'm worried about the guys who don't really have ways to attack," he trails off, glancing at me.

Sighing, he adds, "This wouldn't have happened if we didn't get in the way... We gotta take responsibili-"

He's cut off as Bakugou growls. "If that's what you want, then go ahead. I'm gonna go beat that mist guy to a pulp!" Then he turns his glare to me. "You should just go hide somewhere before you get yourself killed!"

Kirishima moves between us, "You're still pulling immature crap at a time like this? Come on! Normal attacks don't work on him anyway-"

Bakugou shakes his head, "Shut up! He's how they're getting around. Bring him down and they can't run. Besides, it's not like I don't have a way to get him..."

I flinch as Bakugou suddenly lunges towards me, pulling me back to blow up a villain that tried to sneak up behind me.

"I mean... If they're only sending these idiots, we should be fine." He lightly pushes me towards Kirishima and I mumble a quick thanks but the blonde ignores it.

"You sure are calm all of a sudden."

At Kirishima's words, he bristles. "I'm always calm, you damn broom-head! I'm outta here."

He turns to leave but Kirishima calls out to him. "Hold up. You gotta trust your pals! You've convinced me." He turns to me with a smile. "Come on, L/n! I've got your back!"

We begin to make our way towards the fountain, Kirishima and Bakugou stopping any villains that we come across but I eventually become a liability.

It was only a matter of time.

As I called out warnings to the others, I had failed to notice a lithe man come up behind me. I let out a startled yelp as he grips my hair, pulling me against him with claws over my chest and my mind goes blank.

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