♡ Chapter 15

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" Ahhhhhhhh " 

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

" Ahhhhhhhh " 

" Why? Ahh, I knew it. Here take this " Heeun rushed to the guest room as soon as possible when she heard Chaewon shouting

" Huh! Why am I here? Why didn't I go home? Where's my- "

" Mhmm, you don't remember anything? " Heeun asked by cut her off

" Hmm, what do you mean? " Chaewon couldn't recall anything because she was too drunk last night 

" You- " Before she could say anything someone came into the room making Heeun look at that direction and stop what she was saying

" Eh ?! now why are you here? " Heeun asked and looked at the person who was standing in front of her

" Mom wants you. Go, look what she wants " he said as he turned to the girl who was rubbing her eyes cutely because she had just woke up

" Ahh okay but you could just tell me that you wanna talk with her " Heeun smirked at him eyeing the dumbfounded girl and left the both of them alone there 

" So ?! " he asked making the girl look at him surprised 

" Hmm? So what ? " she asked as she drank the pills Heeun gave her a while ago

" Is it true what you said last night ?! " he asked making her even more surprised and looked at him with her now big eyes

" Wh- What did I say? What happened last night? I just- aish! why am I even talking with an idiot like you? I'm out of my mind. Go away I wanna- "Before she say something else Heeseung cut her off

" Why ?! Just look at my eyes then you'll remember what happened last night. Why are you avoiding my gaze huh? look at me " Heeseung said in a teasing manner because he already knew the truth

" I- Wh- I'm going. What's wrong with you huh? Seriously! idiot " She was about to go out of the room when a sudden voice came from nowhere and immediately she realized that it was her voice 

" Mmmmmm okay. He's- Ahh his eyes are sooooo addictive, that's why I'm not looking into his eyes but I can't stay away from those eyes I don't know why. Also soooo tall and handsome but I don't like it cause I feel jealous when the other girls look at him like a little kid looking at a lollipop "

Chaewon's eyes went wider when she saw Heeseung smirking at her while holding his phone. She was frozen at her spot not knowing what happened or what to do. She had no idea about that in any way

" Now what are you saying ?! " Heeseung asked as he turned off the phone and shoved it in his pocket smirking

" Eh, t-that's not about you though. Don't act like I was talking about you " Chaewon said and looked at him to confirm if he trusted her or not but all he did was shake his head while chuckling

" Seriously ?! Ok then tell me, who you were talking about huh ? " he asked. Even though Chaewon was speechless she didn't want Heeseung to think that she was talking about him

" I- Ahh it was about someone else y-you don't need to know. Just f-forget it " she gave the dumbest answer she could give and she didn't even realize that she was stuttering 

" Mhmm well you're stuttering, then tell me who is that ? " he asked with the same smirk plastered on his face still

" I already said that you don't need to know " 

" Mmmm, The Stupid Chaewon is crushing on someone huh? "

" Why? Am I not allowed to crush on someone ? Yeah he's my crush so stay away from me " With that she left the room while Heeseung was looking at her chuckling

" Ok, so you want me to stay away huh? Let's see then if you can stay like that or not " he said to himself as he went to his room with a bunch of evil thoughts in his mind

" Chaewon are you free today? " Miso asked as she went to the kitchen where the two girls who were chit chatting with Heeun's mom

" Yes, Eonnie why? I'm always free " she said earning a hit on the back of her head and hissing in a light pain

" Yah Heeun why did you- " 

" You're free when Miso Eonnie ask but when I asked what was your answer huh? ' No I don't have time, I wanna study so go on your own ' Who's your friend she or me? " Heeun asked by cutting her off while Miso was chuckling at the two bickering girls 

" Yeah, that's because I like Miso Eonnie than a brat like you plus did you remember your last score? That's because you didn't study idiot. Anyways why did you ask Eonnie? " 

" No, we have a few days more so if you're free, can you come with me? I mean, I have an appointment at the saloon "

" Ahh, why only her? I wanna come too " Heeun exclaimed as she pouted like a kid

" Ok Ok let's go all then, " Miso said, and Heeun clasped her hands with excitement and that's when they noticed something was missing. It was not something, It was someone

" Where is Eunji? I didn't see her after I saw her last night with Jay at the party " Chaewon said making Heeun look at her all along with Miso

" Eh, what if they- "

" Yah stop it. Stop what you're going to say or I'm gonna kill you " Heeun was about to say something with a smirk and Chaewon couldn't hold her laugh knowing about her best friend's dirty mind. But that's when Eunji suddenly came and cut her off. The whole kitchen was full of laughter 

" Mhmm where were you? Did- " Chaewon asked

" Eh no. You didn't stay with us when we were enjoying so you don't know huh? Mind to tell us what happened miss? "

" I- I also don't know what happened and all I know is I screwed up everything somehow AAAAAAAA " Chaewon shouted and hit her head several times on the table. When she raised her head again, she saw Heeseung was there drinking water from the fridge and she rushed to her room while hiding her face in embarrassment shouting to Miso

" Eonnieeeeeeee tell me when you're ready to go. Until then I'm in my room " Anyone couldn't understand what happened except for Heeseung

" Eyy Heeseung what happened? Why is she like that? We're confused " Miso asked but all he did was shake his head with his usual smirk

" Nothing " With that he left them dumbfounded as well 

" That's sus, " Eunji said making both Heeun and Miso nodded as in agreement 

" Mhmm okay, girls I'm gonna go I have a lot of things to do. Bye " They were so busy because of Jaeseung's wedding sooooooooo..


To be continued~

Sorry for the grammatical mistakes and typos.

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞? | ʟᴇᴇ ʜᴇᴇꜱᴇᴜɴɢحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن