♡ Chapter 06

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Then Chaewon went in the direction that she saw Heeseung only to see he was with two guys who were all covered with black jackets and full-faced helmets

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Then Chaewon went in the direction that she saw Heeseung only to see he was with two guys who were all covered with black jackets and full-faced helmets. She went closer and decided to listen to them secretly but when she was about to find a proper position to listen, some kids bumped into her causing Chaewon to lose her control and fell to the ground near Heeseung's legs

" I'm so- Chaewon? What are you doing here? " Heeseung asked and helped her to get up. He seemed like he was panicked to see her there at that moment

" I- I came here 'cause you weren't there. So all of us searched for you and Umm... I'm here " she managed to answer him because she was also panicked for no reason

" I'll call you later," Heeseung said to the two strangers and turned to Chaewon after they left

" Ok let's go and listen. Don't tell anyone about what you saw right? Did you hear anything ? " he asked and looked at Chaewon seriously who was scared to see him like that

" O- Ok and no I didn't hear anything. But Heeseung who are they? They weren't that familiar and they were so- " Heeseung sighed in relief

" There's nothing to do with that for you. Just do what I said okay? Come " and he dragged her to where the others were

Chaewon was so curious and lost because of what Heeseung said before and she was drowned in deep thoughts about that " Who are they? Why did he tell me not to tell about that with anyone? They were so strange and Heeseung's also strange. What's the reason? I'm driving crazy "


Finally, the day has come. All the students were with books everywhere. Chaewon didn't read any book after they arrived at the university cause she isn't the type of one who is reading until the last second. She was well prepared and confident about the exam. Heeun and Eunji also didn't read anything because they studied hard together and they knew that they could face the exam well

"Chae look at this. I tried but couldn't understand anything. What if this question comes? " Sunghoon asked making Heeun laugh at his frustrated face

" Sunghoon Chae is younger than you yet you're asking that question from her? " Heeun asked back making Sunghoon roll his eyes

" Idiot. Even though she is younger than me, she is a genius who can understand every single detail of the topic. So she is my tutor. Got it ?! " Sunghoon said and turned to Chaewon

" Eh, this is so easy dummy. Didn't you see this example? " Chaewon said while looking at his notebook

" Eh is there an example? I didn't see " Sunghoon peeked at the book and Chaewon smacked his head

" How could you forget your own notes idiot? " Chaewon looked at him surprised

" No wonder you're such a clumsy idiot," Heeun said making Eunji laugh at him too

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