Both of Kyoka and Momo were thinking about not letting any girl talk or come close to Izuku. They were also thinking about a lot of naughty thing that they wanted to do to Izuku. Their moms were looking at them and were thinking, I feel bad for Izuku.

The reason that they felt bad was because they knew that the only girls that Izuku would be able to talk to is them. They also we like that when they we younger, but they could see that Momo and Kyoka were going to be worse than them.

Momo and Kyoka were getting tired of standing so they went up and layed down with Izuku in which Izuku started to blush, but he didn't know he was because of not knowing what love is and being taught about it.

Both moms giggled at seeing Izuku blushing, but somewhat uncomfortable. 

Izuku started to fell less uncomfortable and started to comfortable with both of them laying with him and he started to fall asleep with both both them on top of him. After he fell asleep Momo and Kyoka started to fall asleep too.

Both mom started to take pictures of them sleeping together so that they could tease all of them. Also they were thinking that they were going to have a happy family in the next like the next 10 years. They then turned on the TV that was in the room and started to watch it.

About 3 hours later, Izuku started to wake up and felt something on top of him, and then realized that he had both Momo and Kyoka on top of him. He then looked down and was thinking that they were cute, but at the same time was thinking that he couldn't think about them like that.

He then looked passed them to see their moms watching TV, and not paying attention to them.

Just then everybody that got back from going to AM's house and they all saw both Momo and Kyoka sleeping on top of Izuku, who looks like he had just woken up.

Hiashi: So what's going on in here.

Mrs. Y and Mrs. J both eeps and then that woke up both Momo and Kyoka up who looked to see who looked to see that they were sleepiing on top of Izuku. Instead of hopping off of him the both cuddled back into him. The difference then the first time, he felt warm and comfortable with them cuddling and he pulled Momo closer with his right arm. It made Momo feel good, but Jirou wanted the same thing, but knew that she had the side that didn't have an arm.

The men saw this and knew that they wouldn't be able to do anything about them because their minds have been made up. They also we happy to see that the 3 of them were happy especially Izuku who had been through a lot because of him saying that he was Quirkless.

Nana was happy for her grandchild that she didn't know about and she was going to spoil him, and with him having 2 girls that how she could see that would do anything for him. She also knew that she would have to train him in all aspects of combat and she was excited about that.

Nezu was happy to see that Izuku was happy because he did know about what was happening up he didn't have proof to do anything about it so he just watch and saw the sadness in Izuku's eyes build. It was the same for the Hero Commission, but they did have a way for him to get out of what he was in before this happened and they were thankful for this happening, even though they hated that he had to lose his arm for it.

Nezu: Izuku, we are going to get your a new arm from David Shield in America.

Izuku: So what type of arm will I be getting.

Nezu: You'll be getting a vibranium arm, the strongest metal in the world.

Mrs. Y: How much is that going to cost to make.

Nezu: It doesn't matter how much it cost because he needs the arm and it'll help him become a hero.

Hiashi: So the Hero Commission is going to pay for it.

Nezu: Yes, because of the work that he did for them and them being somewhat of the reason for him losing an arm.

Izuku: They are not the reason that I lost my arm. They gave me the decision to do this and I took it.

Nezu: But the still feel like they could've gotten you to not be in that situation.

Izuku: So what's going to happen to all of them.

Nezu: Well they aren't going to be able to go to UA until the Hero Commission andme think that we are able to see them as a hero that we want our Hero society.

Izuku: I guess that's a good punishment.

Mrs. Y: How I see it is you are letting them off eazy

Nezu: Maybe, but the 5 of them have a promising future as a hero so I wouldn't want them to not have a chance to see of they will change.

Mrs. Y: I guess but it also shows to some people that if the do something like what they did, they could get away with it and face barely any punishment. The reason is they could act like they change and then once they get to UA, they could go back to how they are acting right now.

Nezu: They could and they would be expelled and never be allowed to become a hero.

Mrs. Y: I guess, but I just wouldn't let them have a chance because they almost murdered someone for no reason.

Hiashi: Well, everything is already settled so there is nothing we can do, so we are justing going to have to deal with it.

Nana: The question is how long is Izuku going to be in the hospital for?

The doctor walk in.

Doctor: He'll be ready to go by tomorrow, we just will need to get him some medicine so that the pain that he has comes down.

Hiashi: Well, we are going to be leaving tmorrow I guess to go to David Shield's island to go and get is arm.

Doctor: Do you have doctors that'll be with you to go to the island.

Hiashi: Yes, I have my own doctors that will be on the plane with us, so he'll have the best care.

Doctor: Well then, I hope that he'll have a speedy recovery.

The next day:

Izuku wakes up with Momo and Kyoka slepping on top of him, so he just went back to sleep with a smile on his face. It took him about 2 minutes to go and fall back asleep.

After 2 hours, the adults came into the room and woke up the 3 of them, and then Izuku had to sit up so that he could get his final medicine dose before he gets to leave and go to America.

The doctor came in and gave him the dose.

Doctor: You are good to go all I need is a signature and then you can leave.

Hiashi signed the papers and then Izuku, Momo, Kyoka, Nana, and Hiashi left to go to the plane that was going to take them to the island. Both of Momo's and Kyoka parents said goodbye and gave them both kisses and a have a safe trip and we'll see you soon.

So all of them went their separate ways. Once the 5 of them got to the plane, they saw it was one of the most expensive private planes in the world. Momo was shocked to see it because her parents wanted to buy it, but they were to late to buy it. Izuku saw it and didn't know what to think because he had never seen something this beautiful, and he didn't know how much ot cost because he didn't look up that kind of stuff. Kyoka was the same as Izuku, she was just happy to be with Izuku.

Once they got on the plane, Hiashi went to the pilot and told him where to go and the rest went and sat down in the main area that had enough seats for them, and Izuku, Momo, and Kyoka sat on the coach. Both Kyoka and Momo snuggled up to Izuku and he laid his head back so that he could get comfortable to go to sleep.

It took 30 minutes for the plane to take off, so in that time they just relaxed.

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