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Izuku when he was little was the pride and joy of the Yagis because of his energy and positivity. That all changed when they found out that he was quirkless, but they didn't know he had a quirk. The doctor hid the fact that he had a quirk because of how strong the quirk was. 

The doctor went and called someone so that they could go and get him and help him harness the quirk that he has. The reason is that if he can't control it, it would be bad for the world because he could destroy the world if he wanted to. The doctor also thought that Izuku's family wouldn't go and try to harm him for being quirkless, but it was the opposite.

When Izuku got home, Inko to All Might that he was quirkless and he went off started to beat him. The bad thing for Izuku was that Inko and Izumi also started to beat him up too becay=use of it.

After that day, he knew that he would have to do everything by himself because they wouldn't help him out anymore. He learned how to do all of the housework that you have to do to survive. 

He got daily beating for AM and Inko. They would use all of their powers on him and they would never hold back to the point where one time they had almost killed him. 

Izuku knew at that point he would have to find a way to get out of here before he would end up dead. So when he started to go to school he would ever so little move things out of his room to the point where there was nothing in his room.

It took about 5 years took to get everything that he had out of his room. He still took the beating by his parents and most of the students at his school started to bully him for being quirkless. His sister would lie about him beating her up so he would get beaten up worse every time she had lied to him.

The thing was Izuku put up video cameras in the house so that he could show the people were his so-called family did to him when he was younger. He would save them and put them on a hard drive so that when he was ready he would go and release them to the public to watch what all of the people in the world think about what his family did to him. They didn't know that he had them on video, so whenever it comes out they'll be shocked the most bout it.

AM didn't know it but he acted like his father and mother when they neglected him and beat him because he was quirkless. It was going to be a wake up call to what he did and it wouldn't be pretty either.

The thing with Inko is that her parents that are soppse to be dead were saved by Izuku's father and her Ex, Hiashi. It'll be one family reunion when they find Izuku and see what their daughter did to her own son. The thing was the don't know what they would do to her because she was a hero, but a villain at the same time.

Izumi, I think she would have it the hardest because she would never be seen the same be people her age and the citizen of Japan, if those videos were to go out. She would never be able to go anywhere and have a peaceful time because they would call her a disappointment to the world and the hero society.

It was the day for Izuku to leave and on that day, Izuku got beat up to the point that the Bakugos completely destroyed his left arm. His arm fell to the ground and everybody that was there scattered and left a lifeless body of Izuku to pretty much bleed out. 

If it wasn't for to girls that saw him he would have been dead. One of them called the cops and the other called their parents. They were trying to help Izuku, but his body was going cold by the minute. The good thing was his heart was still beating and the medics showed up to see his him. They then got him up into the Ambulance to take him to the hospital..

The good thing was is that they got the bleeding to stop and for his heart to come to a steady beat. The doctor that showed him his quirk was also at the hospital at the time that Izuku was brought in and he called the same person and told them what he saw and then called Nezu. He told Nezu of Izuku situation because Nezu saw Izuku as son as did most of the Staff at UA.

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