Chapter 2

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Currently, I'm sitting in between two of the most popular girls in my year. How'd this happen? Let's recap.

Everything was normal, the usual small talk with my sadist classmate Horikita, the large crowd at lunch, the usual. But then, somehow, someway, I got out of the crowd and attracted the attention of said girls. And here we are, in the present. Crazy right?

Anyways, back to the situation at hand.

"So what's your name? I haven't seen you around." Ichinose asked, her crystal blue eyes staring straight into my soul. I felt a bit uncomfortable, but it's whatever.

"Ayanokouji. Aren't you two Matsushita and Ichinose?" I said, pointing at both of them. "You've got quite the crowd around you."

"Yeah," Matsushita said, nervously scratching the nape of her neck. "It's a bit troubling at times-"

"Matsushita, Ichinose," a female voice called out. From the crowd revealed a short girl with purple hair. She held a clipboard, with a cyan pen sitting at the top. "You've got a student council interview in 10!"

"Oops! I lost track of time," Ichinose said, Matsushita facepalming. "Bye Ayanokouji! We'll talk to you later!" Later? That's not good.

As they both walked off, I quickly darted through the stunned crowd, making sure to not be noticed. I dumped my lunch in the trash, disappointed that I didn't get to eat today.

The rest of the day felt the same, falling asleep in class, getting commands from Horikita, and performing them. Today's task was to negotiate with Class C's supposed leader, Ryuuen Kakeru. 

According to Horikita, he's a leader who rules with violence and uses dirty tactics. The opposite of a respectable leader, at least in her mind. Personally, I don't care as long as I don't have to fight anybody in the process. Dealing with the injuries always sucks.

Anyways, I made my way through the park, admiring the amazing view. The grass was short and green, the leaves blew from left to right, and the sun was shining. Quite the day, if I do say so myself. 

I spotted Ryuuen on a park bench, his uniform loose. Both of his arms rested on the very top of the bench, gripping the metal seat. He saw me, and got up.

"I assume you're Kiyotaka, right?" Ryuuen said, shaking my hand. When did he get permission to use my first name? Ah, whatever.

"Ryuuen, correct?" I said, placing my hands back into my pockets. "I came here to make a deal."

Ryuuen nodded his head. "Continue."  I pulled out my phone and showed him my eighty-thousand personal points. "I need you to suspend someone from Class B."

"Whos the target?" he asked. "Kanzaki Ryuuji. You'll get thirty-thousand personal points." 

Ryuuen's eyebrows lifted with intrigue. "I thought Class D played fair? What's with the change, eh?" I put my other hand in my pocket. "What Class D does doesn't concern you. All I'm asking is whether you can get the job done or not."

"Alright, alright. I'll do it. I'm going to need five-thousand more to get the playboy." Ryuuen requested. I typed in his name into the school database, and showed him the points. "Get it done in three weeks or the deal is off. You get the points when he's suspended."

Ryuuen waved me off as I walked away.

"That went smoothly." I muttered. Horikita still hadn't told me what the purpose of this "planned suspension" but whatever. If it gets her off my back for a bit I don't mind.

I began walking to the dorms when a thought came to my head. I've got to get groceries! I like to cook a lot, mostly because it saves money and is pretty fun. Today I might try a new dish, but it depends on what I can find.

I quickly began my search for groceries.



I quickly walked through the hallway, trying to avoid another large crowd. Recently, I've been hating the amount of attention I get. 

For example, earlier today I was talking to a dude who was sitting alone at a lunch table after being nagged by Ichinose to go over to him. He was a guy from our class...and if I can remember correctly his name was Ayanokouji.

When I saw him back in class, he was exactly how I thought he'd be. Quiet, reserved, few friends. The only time he talked was whenever he was called on or when our class leader, Horikita, talked to him.

But one thing ticked me off about him.

I'd always catch him meeting up with Horikita, which you'd think is normal right? They're friends after all. Here's the twist: they barely talk. He meets up with her, talks for a good five minutes, and heads over to some random location. It's extremely suspicious. What if they're both traitors, and the class is in risk? As a student of Class D, I need to protect my class as best as I can! 

So today, I plan to figure out what dirty work he's doing for her. 

After the bell rung, I waited around ten minutes before following him. He went to the left, so I followed. I went down the staircase quickly, and caught him checking his phone. He sighed, and put it back into his pocket. What's he doing?

I followed him for a bit longer, taking pauses around each corner. A couple of students began talking to me at each corner, so it made it easy. 

Finally, he was at the park, where a purple haired guy sat. The guy sat up, and shook his hand. I got closer and overheard the name:


Class C's leader?! He was a traitor all along! I knew it! I wanted to confront him, but I decided to stay low and record insead.

"I need you to suspend someone from Class B." Ayanokouji said, pulling out his phone. 

"Who's the target?" Ryuuen asked. "Kanzaki Ryuuji. You'll get thirty-thousand personal points." They're planning to suspend Kanzaki? I mean, he is Class B's co-leader, so it'd help them both out. Maybe he isn't a traitor after all. 

My heart remained beating as I patiently waited for the next word.

"I thought Class D played fair? What's with the change, eh?" Ryuuen asked.

"What Class D does doesn't concern you. All I'm asking is whether you can get the job done or not." Ayanokouji answered, denying any questions. Good job Ayanokouji!

"Alright, alright. I'll do it. I'm going to need five-thousand more to get the playboy." Ryuuen requested. Ayanokouji typed on his phone, and then showed him his screen. "Get it done in three weeks or the deal is off. You get the points when he's suspended."

Ryuuen nodded, and waved him off. I quickly got out of there, and made my way to the dorms. That was crazy! I didn't know Ayanokouji could be so badass!

I could feel myself getting excited. We need him in our class.



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