Chapter 4

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Sangwook suggested we return to Hyun Su's room, while he was "investigating". Jiso accepted right away. It surprised me because she probably does not like to wait and do nothing. I nodded my head and we went into room 1410 with caution.

As we walked into the room, we saw Hyunsu still unconscious in the bed.

"Um, is he asleep?' Jiso asked.

I shook my head.

Her eyes got bigger and I figured out what she was thinking. "No, he just fainted out of shock." I chuckled.

She gave a breath of relief. And we sat next to him on the bed.

"Have you learned to use it?" she asked, pointing to the sword in my hands.

"No, it's my father's, I learned it, but I'm not that good." I lied. I stared at her in the hope that she would not ask any further questions.

"At least you have a useful weapon." she said as she turned her baseball bat, "I don't think it's going to kill anything."

"I don't believe they can be killed at all," I replied. "We don't know what we've really seen, we don't know what our situation is, so even a match can be helpful. That's better than nothing."

She nodded and took another look at her bat. We waited for Sangwook for a couple of hours. I can already sense the impatience of Jiso. I knew that he wouldn't come back so I tried on Hyunsu's laptop to read the blog which had the information about the virus but in vain.

I smashed the keyboard. "There's no internet," I mumbled.

I stood up and sat back where I was sitting before, beside Hyunsu. He was pale white. I touched his forehead. "Why is he so cold?"

Jiso suddenly stood up when we heard a rumble from above, "Where is he?"

"I don't think he'll come," I answered. "Not dead but he won't."
Jisoo stared at me. "How do you know that?"

"I just do"

We stared at each other for a few seconds, She broke it, "I'll get going then. I can't just wait here and do nothing."


I smiled, "Yeah, you do that."
She raised her eyebrow. I stood up and drew my hand out.

"Let's meet again"

"Sure." She accepted it
"Good luck"
"Yeah, you too."

And I watched her step outside the door getting engulfed in the darkness.


It was the break of dawn. I couldn't fall asleep after everything that has happened. The thought of being in a drama is still in my mind. 

"Should I just die, maybe I'll go back to my world." 

Should I?

Haunted with that thought, I made my way towards the door. I was about to open it when I heard a rustling sound from behind. I turned and saw Hyun Su waking up whining while touching his head.

"You awake, sleeping beauty? Had a good nap?"

He widened his eyes, realizing something. "Wait! wha-what are you doing here?"

I sighed and went towards him, crouching down I asked, " How much do you remember?" 

"I-I don't know. I remember playing video games while waiting for my package, When I opened my door to receive it, there was b-blood eve-everywhere and..."

I hold his shoulders to calm him down, "It's fine you don't have to explain. I've seen it too."

"What was that? What is going on?" He asked.

"Look outside the window."

He raised his eyebrows, nevertheless, he stood up and gazed outside.
I studied his expression, his eyes were widened and his lips parted, not able to believe what he was seeing. 

It took him a few seconds to take it all in, he turned to me, "What do we do now?"

"I don't know. We have to wait, get some news from the government.....if they are still alive."

"Are we supposed to wait until then? "

"We've got no choice, have we? I argued, feeling somewhat frustrated. "We don't know what we're up against, we haven't got a clue about how many monsters there are in this building or even this floor, getting out now can jeopardize our lives."

He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when the blood began to flow out of his nose. My eyes widened. He raised his hand to squeeze his nose to block out the blood, but it was too much. I knew this was coming, but in fact, seeing this,

It's terrifying

I quickly guided him to the bathroom. 

It took him a few minutes to come out. "You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah...I think we should check the internet, there might be some news about what's happening" He suggested.


After a few minutes, logging in we found the blog I was looking for. 


"It's not a disease, it's a curse"

"They complained of frequent nosebleeds and auditory hallucinations. The cause could not be determined. They weren't from here originally. They came here because they showed symptoms. They turned into miserable, desperate beings."

"Every prediction was wrong. It suddenly begins one day and it never stops. I was consumed by it too. Humans will not be able to overcome this. If you have symptoms, kill yourself before it's too late because being alive will harm others. But if you decided to live to the end there's something you need to know. That is..--"


"Dammit." I exclaimed while standing up, "Nothing's working."

Hyunsu chuckled darkly, but his stomach growled.

"You hungry?" I asked. He nodded.
"Well do you have anything to eat?" I asked again going through the kitchen cabinet but there was nothing.

"It must be still there" I heard him whisper. I turned around and saw him looking at the front door.

I was confused for a second, then I remembered what happened during this time. Before Hyunsu reaches the front door I stopped him.

"Where do you think you're going?" I questioned. "If you're talking about the ramen box outside then forget about it. It was torn into shreds."

"But there still might be there." He argued. "I don't think anyone is outside."

"How are you so sure?" 

"I just-" 

He stopped when we heard footsteps from outside. Shit, it heard us. I pulled Hyunsu back when there were slight scratch sounds on the door. When we were at a safe distance the doorknob opened and I saw a murky green hand on the door still. 



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