Chapter 2: (The Dodgeball Game)

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(The Dodgeball Game)

*March 5th, 1941*


*Highlands High School*

It was a sunny day at Highlands High School as Anya, Nancy, and Charlotte had a dodgeball game during their gym class.

"Good Morning Class! Today's activity is Dodgeball. The rules are rather simple, There will be two teams of ten meaning that you must eliminate most of the rival team before the twenty time limit is up and the team who has either the most people or can defeat the other team wins the match..." The Coach had explained to his class as he was met with nods of understandment from everyone as he proceeded to put everyone into their respective teams.

"I hope that you and Nancy can be on the same team as me cause I would HATE to face off against my friends in ANY game!" Charlotte had spoken to Anya and Nancy as she was met with a nod of agreement from Anya while Nancy shook her head in disagreement.

"It's fun to have a little spice in our new friendship like I think it's gonna be fun if we have to be in different teams but only the two of us will have to be in the same team while one will have to face against us so let's hope that Coach Jones is able to make this game interesting" Nancy had added on to the conversation as she saw Coach Jones putting each of the students in different teams as he had gotten closer to the trio.

"Being a good sportsman is what truly matters and not who can easily win so let's do our best, okay?" Anya had spoken to Charlotte and Nancy with a smile on her face as she was met with the pair giving her a thumbs up as they saw Coach Jones approaching them.

"The three of you ladies are in the blue team, I can see that the three of you can actually deliver this team into victory. The blue team had never won a dang game in their life so use that teamwork of yours.." Coach Jones had spoken to the ladies as he saw the trio's faces lit up with joy. 

"Don't worry, We will! You can count on us!" Anya had responded back in a confident tone of voice as she gave Charlotte and Nancy a high-five as the trio made their way towards the blue team.

"I'll handle throwing the ball while you and Charlotte try yall best to NOT get hit okay? I can't afford to lose my friends during this game so make sure you follow my lead okay?" Nancy had advised Anya and Charlotte as she was met with nods of understandment from the pair as she heard Charlotte beginning to speak.

"I really get nervous during these types of games but I'll do my best to make sure that my friends and this team wins this game!" Charlotte had spoken back to Nancy in a mixture of confidence and timidness as she suddenly heard laughter coming from the opposite team as this made her look at the direction in which the laughter was coming from.

"So, You intend to defeat us once more? I know we're classmates but the blue team doesn't compare to the might of the red team!" A young boy called out in a tone of confidence as he chuckled some more.

"He's right! All we need to do is take out the so-called strong man then we'll take on the beautiful ladies right there!" The second young boy called out as he adjusted his glasses in the process as he chuckled as well.

"Who are we? It's simple: We're the triple threat that can easily deliver this team into victory! Thomas, Charles, and me, Joseph!" Joseph cried out in pure joy as the boys let out a joyful scream as this brought annoyance to Charlotte, Anya, and Nancy as they simply rolled their eyes at them.

"These guys! They're SO annoying! We really need to beat them so they can learn how to be a good sportsman!" Charlotte had spoken to her friends in sheer annoyance as she was met with nods of understandment from them.

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