Chapter 14: Everyone Enjoyed the Festival

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Children were running around, playing with each other. Their parents chatting with each other, keeping an eye on their kids. Teen, elderly, it seemed that everyone in town was here having fun. Things were only going to be more lively as this night went on.

Rame and Mifuru had never been here before, that much was obvious. The girls felt overwhelmed with what to do first. There were just so many stands to choose from, and it looked like their was a crowd surrounding all of them. However, Juuto was a regular, so he knew exactly what to get started with.

"Since we just got here. We should find a game to play." He directed them to a stand with the classic dart game. Surely with their lives, he assumed that they'd be good at throwing things. Well, Magic's not really all that similar to physical weapons, as it would turn out.

"Argh, this is impossible." Rame was visibly frustrated with how bad she was doing with this game. "How can anyone win at this stupid game." Every dart she threw badly missed their targets. If she was as bad as throwing these darts as she was with throwing spells. She would've been dead a long time ago.

"This isn't a stupid game." He defended the concept. Though, his accuracy was about on the level of being unable to hit the broadside of a barn. He didn't feel bad about that though. After all, he could just blame it on this silly costume. "It's just not something you can get good with." Still, even if he can't win. It was still a little fun to play it every time it came up. If one was lucky, they'd be hearing a few pops here and there... Or they could have a friend that was actually good at a game like this.

They were both surprised by their special guest when it came to be Mifuru's turn. When that girl took her three dart, she simply focused on her targets and threw all of her weapons at the balloons. In an instant, three pops filled their ears at the same time. The crowd around them erupted into applause at the display of skill before them. Now that was a real show, they thought.

"I won." Mifuru simply stated to the two of them. While her tone didn't make it seem like she was bragging, it certainly felt about it to Rame. Hence the girl's response was to pout and cross her arms.

"Wow, I never thought I'd ever live to see the day that happened." The person running the stand said. "Well, go ahead and pick your prize." She held up her hands to showcase the many different options of stuffed animals to pick from.

"I'll take... This one." She took a moment to look things over, then she decided that choosing the one that looked like a cow was a good option. He thought it was a weird one to pick, since there were plenty that people usually prefer. Such as a dragon, a bear, even some fish as well. Not that it really mattered to him. She's the one that won, so it's her decision in the end.

"I wonder where Asaga's at?" Rame wondered out loud. They did agree that they'd stick together if anything happened. Perhaps it would've been a good idea to have agreed on a meeting place back then.

"I'm sure he's around." Juuto replied. It wasn't a requirement that they were with him. Sure, it was preferable. However, this festival was crowded and it probably wasn't worth the time to go looking for him. They were having fun, so might as well let him have his. At least, that's what he thought was going to happen.

"I finally found y'all." As if right on cue. Asaga made his arrival to the rest of the group. "I've been looking all over for y'all. Once I saw those silly outfits, I knew ya had to be the right people."

"It's good to see you too." Juuto responded, as he took a good look at what the man was wearing. Perhaps he shouldn't be surprised that the guy found and chose to wear a farmer's costume. "You guys do know that the point of this holiday is to dress as something you're not, right?"

"I would hope that I'm not a hot dog." Rame joked, feeling a lot more at ease than she was earlier about this whole deal. Even as a joke, they looked very silly compared to everyone else who was wearing the more traditional attire of hauntings.

And somewhere among the entire crowd. There was someone that was 'haunting' them.

"Ooh, since I've wasted so much time looking for all of ya. I get to pick the next place we visit." Asaga spoke up, grabbing Mifuru by the arm. Of course, that girl had little to contest against him, as he pulled her along.

"That's not how it... Never mind." Juuto was about to argue, but it was too late. Those two were already well deep into the sea of people, going who-knows-where. That left them with little choice but to do one particular thing.

"Come on." Rame grabbed his hand. "He's got the right idea. I want to have as much fun as possible!" Once she was finished with that sentence, she pulled her boss along to follow her. In a rush, they dove past the people walking about to catch up with their acquaintances.

"Whoa, hey now!" He yelled at her, as he ran behind the girl. "This costume's not that easy to move in!" 

The Devil Takes the Night Shiftजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें