About Me

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Hey. The name's Freya and I come from Scotland and I'm 17. I'm actually British but I'm not gonna get into more context into that. About my relationship with others is very stubborn when it comes to students in my school, who I call jerks. Because they are jerks! If you're wondering, the only people I actually love is my mum and dad. I'm glad they raised me to become a mathematician instead of a "jerk" which I will never ever be. Sigh, I wish I could leave school. Even right now! Actually, not only the jerks are jerks, other people are too! Wait...I think...I don't motivate others to communicate, but it's just too hard to be kind sometimes. That honestly explains a lot about my sexuality. Exactly, I'm not romantically or sexually attracted to anyone! Oh gosh, life is very boring with people. Yet. Because I have the most extraordinary plan! When I'll turn 18, I'm going to make a debate with Boris Johnson, the prime minister of England, to see who is going to be prime minister next year cos my birthday's another 8 months away. When I become prime minister, I will become the No.1 Mathematician of England. Or even the whole blimming word! Haha! My life is going to be amazing-like-a-christmas-dinner-and-get-wonderful-presents perfect like no one elses. Hahahaha! I will be rich! The money will definitely fall on me! What a dream! Haha!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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