Antfrost hissed and leapt at them, claws and trident out as Hannah drew a fishing rod. Ranboo barely even glanced as his sword slashed Antfrost. Hannah's line wrapped around the sword and she flew through the air, heeled boots aimed for a blow at Ranboo's head, but he dodged, easily swatting her down with his clawed hand as his sword hilt smashed into her. She shrieked, white rose petals coloring crimson from the gashes in her arm and across her stomach.

Hannah crawled limply to the bleeding cat. "You've killed him!" she cried.

Ranboo stood, staring impassively at them, his slender form accented by the long sword he held at his side. He glanced over to Wilbur.

"That'll be enough, Ranboo. Quite a show, my good man, you didn't even get any blood on your suit. Relax," Wilbur said to Hannah whose face was contorted with pain as tears streamed down it, "Haven't you heard? Cats have nine lives. He'll be fine. We'll make sure you both have the very best care in Las Nevadas while you await your trial."

She held her bleeding side. "Trial?"

"For the murder of Foolish and crimes against the continent, of course. Now then, Ranboo, what do you say we go down to the banquet hall and see about having an omelette? Don't worry, Miss Rose, we'll be back for you in a while. Maybe by then your roses will have returned to their lovely red hue." He began walking away with Ranboo by his side. Then he stopped, and turned. "Don't even think of running, by the way. My man here just loves a good hunt, and I won't be there to stop him when he finds you."


"Thank you, Eret. You saved our a-sses," Quackity said.

"I suppose there's no point in asking you not to go?" Eret asked. They hated to see them leave, knowing they were walking into danger. The idea that the trio would be so exposed without a stronghold to hide in if trouble came brought Eret no small amount of worry. It was hard not to want to keep them safe in their castle to wait out the storm. But the storm would come regardless, whether they stayed in a fortified palace or ran out to meet it.

Quackity shook his head. "I can't just leave them without f-ing trying. You'd do the same for me. Sh-t, you f-ing did the same for me." His hard gaze softened a bit. "When this is over and we've won, we'll stop by for dinner again."

In these small moments, it was easy to remember why they'd almost married Quackity. He'd never lost the better parts of his nature, as much as he tried to conceal them. "Just remember to send notice before you do," Eret said. "My kitchen staff don't appreciate surprises."

Quackity smirked. "See you soon," he said, pulling the pack of supplies up on his shoulders.

"Bye, Eret!" Tubbo called, waving from the road, grinning so brightly it was hard to believe he'd been bedridden just two days ago. "Thanks!"

Tommy nodded and raised a hand in farewell.

Eret smiled warmly at them. "Take care of yourselves," they called as the boys started down the road. They watched as the trio grew smaller and smaller. And then they were gone. Eret breathed a sad sigh of relief. They were glad to see them healthy and on their way, but it immediately felt lonelier for their absence. Tubbo no longer sitting in bed and asking for seconds of soup, no more bickering from Quackity and Tommy - it felt a bit too quiet after two days of their company.

They walked over to the stables and saddled their horse. A good ride would help clear their mind. They'd probably been too hard on Quackity that first day, they thought as they rode through the open pastures. Afterall, he'd truly lost everything, was it really the best time to remind him he was basically friendless? Though, perhaps, it was the only time he would actually be open to listening. And they were one of the few Quackity might actually listen to. Their love might have died so long ago, but they'd never stopped caring for the man and hoping for his happiness. But he'd never get it, even if he got Las Nevadas and even Wilbur back, if he couldn't open up to others.

The Blinding Light of Sunrise - TNT Duo Dream SMP AU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now