Chapter I

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Its been over a year. Over a year that Tommy got sucked into that portal. The portal that took him far away from home. From his friends. From his parents. It sucked him into another dimension.

But he knows there is no way back home. Its really frustrating.

It was night and Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo sat on the bench.

Tommy sighed and put his head in his hands. "What's the matter Tommy?" Tubbo asked. Tommy looked up and saw the two worried faces of his friends.

"I-its nothing." Tommy looked away again. "Tommy. If it was nothing you wouldnt have sighed. So what's wrong?"

"Its really nothing." Tubbo narrowed his eyes. "I-i was just thinking about... something." "About what Tommy?" Ranboo asked.

Tommy sighed again. He leaned back and fold his arms. "Nothing important. Just thinking about... home."

He looked up into the sky so he doesnt have to see his friend faces. "Oh. Sorry Tommy. I'm sure you'll find a way back home." Ranboo apologiced. He always apologiced.

"Yeah. Right." Tommy said as he watched the stars. "Its crazy that the constellation of the stars are the same as at home. Thats so weird." Tommy laughed. "Really?" Tubbo asked. "Yeah! It really is! Its like the only thing that is exacly the same as it is at home."

Ranboo and Tubbo looked at Tommy with pitty in their eyes. "We're sorry." Ranboo said. "No. Dont apologice. Its not your fault." Tommy said.

"Hey. You never actually told us about your world. What exacly is so different?" Tubbo asked. Tommy turned to him and smiled.

"Well first of all there are no hybrids. Just normal humans. Like me." "So just weird creatures like you? That doesnt have horns or wings or anything?" "Yep." Tommy began laughing. "And we have internet. And computers. Oh how I miss playing Minecraft on such a thing." "A computer. Minecraft. What's that?" Ranboo asked curious. Tommy grinned. "It looks like a box. You can ask it questions by typing in letters on Google. Google ist like a book of all knowledge. But sometimes there are also wrong information. And Minecraft is a game you can play in that computer."

Tubbo and Ranboo began laughing. "Your world sounds weird." "Oh so my world ist weird? Your world has water buckets that have more water in it than you put in it. That doesnt make any sense" Tommy was now giggeling like crazy.

Tubbo and Ranboo are confused. "But thats logical." Ranboo said. "Not to me. My world has other physics." Tommy replied , calming down.

Suddenly a really bright light appeared at the sky and fell down.

"What was that?" Tommy asked his friends. "That looked like the light when you appeared." Tubbo said standing up.

"Come on. We have to look what happened."

They ran on the prime path to the forest. On half way they met Drista and Lani.

"Did you see that?" Drista questioned. She didn't had her mask on. Lani, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo were the only persons who knew what she looked like without her mask.

"Yeah! Come on. We gotta see what landed there."

The five friend ran in the forest to the place where the light-thingy landed. It was a clearing. But something was laying in the middle of it.

When the friend approached the thing they could see that it was a person.

A boy.

He looked familier to Tommy. Tommy pulled out a torch. It was already lit. About a year ago Tommy would have freaked out about these weird physics but now it was just normal to him.

He held the torch closer to the boys face. He seemed so familier to Tommy.

And than it hit him.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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