You ~ Your name is always on my lips

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I was surrounded by dark energies and had no choice but to unleash the locked powers within me. My heart knew by doing that, I would be going against my words that once had promised my Lan Zhan, 'Even if there is an ounce of doubt regarding my survival, I shall always call your name. Your name is always on my lips. When I call, you can come and save me. I promise this, Lan Zhan.'

I had promised him.

Right at this moment, my life flashed in front of m eyes, and all I could think was of my Lan Zhan. His charms. His eyes. His smile.

Jumping on a boulder, using the momentum to leap high in the air, I twisted my body, folded my hand and joined my two palms together, and as the darkest resentful energies screeched around me with their main moto to seek my blood, I calmly closed my eyes and whispered my husband's name softly, "Lan Zhan, save me."

Darkness surrounded my body and the next second waves of pain pummeled me into oblivion.

'Lan Zhan, save me

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'Lan Zhan, save me.'

With a gasp I open my eyes and look around Gusu, with a hope to find my husband, but he was wasn't around.


Wei Ying is in danger.

Summoning Wangji I played Inquiry quickly and without any hesitation. Just as I was to receive a reply, another soul barged into the Orchid Room and cried out, "Hanguang-Jun! Elder Patriarch is in trouble. He needs you!"

The one standing in front of me was Jingyi!
He was covered in soot and sweat. The otherwise pristine and smiling Jingyi, now bore a terrified expression.

Jumping onto my feet I questioned, "Where is Wei Ying?"

"Hanguang-Jun, we were ambushed near Qinghe path. At first the walking corpses seemed quite unstable, but as we kept fighting them, Elder Patriarch realised that as time passed by, they became more sinister. At first they hurt Sizhui and before anyone could react, a dark matter siezed us all. Elder Patriarch saved me and asked me to seek you. The only one by his side is Ghost General. Quick! You need to hurry!" The boy finished saying all the his in one breath and it appeared he was on verge of fainting.

"Inform brother as to what has transpired and bring medical practitioners to look after the injured."

Summoning Bichen; I mounted him and made my way to Qinghe path. Long ago, I lost him there once, not again. This time I will protect what's mine.

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