Chapter 16: The Dance Class

Start from the beginning

McGonagall pulled Ron from his seat, with the help of Harry who eagerly pushed his friend off the bench.

"Now, place your right hand on my waist."

"Where?" Ron asked in fright.

"My waist," she responded coolly.

As soon as he did so, a wolf-whistle came from the boy's side, and you'd bet money that it was Seamus. Ron then panicked and pulled back but McGonagall put him back in place and instructed him on his arm positions. McGonagall signaled Filch, who was standing out like a sore thumb beside the large gramophone, and he began playing the music. McGonagall counted as she led Ron in a waltz. The twins were mimicking a dance and swaying dramatically where they stood which made you chuckle.

"Oi! You're never going to let him forget this are you?" Harry asked them loud enough for you to hear.

"Never," the twins confirmed in unison.

"Everybody come together!" McGonagall commanded, and the girls stood instantly. The boys didn't move and looked everywhere but at the girls and the professor who had demanded them to stand up, "boys! On your feet!"

Neville bravely stood up first. "Go on, Neville!" You, Hermione and a few other girls encouraged, and he smiled shyly at you all.

The girls all moved to partner up but you hung back slightly, suddenly nervous for reasons you didn't quite understand. You looked around for your friends and then felt a gentle tap on your shoulder. You turned around and Fred stood there smiling, he held out his hand to you, "Miss Y/L/N, would you do me the honour of dancing with me?"

"But I thought..." you quickly looked around and saw Angelina happily dancing with George, so you turned back to Fred, "why yes, Mr Weasley, it would be my pleasure."

You took hold of his outstretched hand and he pulled you in, you arranged your arms as McGonagall had instructed and you followed the steps that she had demonstrated. Everyone, now paired up, attempted to follow the one-two-three rhythm of the music, and you were pleasantly surprised by Fred's coordination.

"I didn't know you could dance, Freddie," you noted, impressed.

He chuckled as he led you in a well-timed turn, "we went to a relative's wedding when we were about eight, Mum insisted we learn to dance so she moved the kitchen table out of the way and taught us all."

You smiled at the image, "that's really sweet."

"It was actually fun until Dad came home from work and Mum pulled him into a dance, and then the rest of us just left them to it," he shook his head and feigned a shiver and you laughed at his expression.

"So, how are things with you and Diggory?" Fred asked suddenly, making you look at him in surprise.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I assume he's asked you to the ball?" Fred said without looking at you, instead looking over your head. You chuckled and shook your head, "no he's going with Cho Chang, the fifth year Ravenclaw girl."

Fred looked down at you then, puzzled, "I thought you and he were...are you alright? If he hurt you-"

"Oh Fred, no. It was nothing like that. I actually encouraged him to ask her," you stated, trying to ease his protectiveness.

"Oh, I see," he answered thoughtfully, and then you swallowed your nerves and asked him a similar question, "why aren't you dancing with Angelina? I figured you'd be going to the Ball with her."

His brow furrowed at your comment, "no, I haven't asked Angelina to the ball." A strange silence followed but it was soon broken as you tripped over Fred's foot having lost focus, he caught you swiftly before you could hit the floor and then you both burst into laughter.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now