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The Winter Soldier_Elle,Abby and Terry are now 14 years old. It's been two years since the events of 2012. Elle has grown closer with Abby and Terry by going to Clint's house. Natasha has taken to training the three girls in her free time. 
"Woooo"Abby yelled as she threw her hands up,Elle and Terry bother laughed loudly at their friend. For Elle having Tony Stark as basically her father has it's perks like instead of having to wait a whole nother year. Guess who got her learners permit at fourteen instead of fifteen and once again because Tony is well Tony Stark,Elle was pardoned by the president. She can drive any where in the US by herself without an adult so yeah it's pretty cool.
"Thank you Tony"Elle said after she locked her corvette "How's it feel to be fourteen and free on the road" Abby asked. "How does it feel to have a best-friend who can legally drive you everywhere"Elle asked teasingly  "Amazing"Abby and Terry  chimed in sync. "Let's eat first"Elle said "Did Tony give you his card" Abby asked "Yeah"Elle said,she gave a small nod"I think it's going to rain'' Terry said.
"Hello"Elle answered her earpiece call "Hey kiddo,how's shopping" Tony asked. "Good"Elle said,she gasped sharply as Abby tightened the back strings of her corset dress. "You alright"Pepper asked "Yeah. Abby just pulled the strings on my dress a little tight"Elle said "Did you girls eat"Pepper asked over the earpiece. "Yes mom we already ate" Elle said "Alright baby,have fun and be safe"Pepper said "We will love you"Elle said,she ended the call at that.

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