Chapter 2) Hello, profile

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To say I paid no attention to my Calculus class that afternoon would be a severe understatement. In my defense, all we really did was go over homework from the yesterday and then review for today's work to bring home. Considering I already did today's homework last night, I was free to let my mind wander.
Instead of listening to Ms. Swift drone on about Taylor series of function, I had my phone down on my lap checking out Wattpad. Mr. Evans wasn't fibbing. This site was free to use. It also had many books available to read that were by published authors as well as aspiring ones. After easily setting up an account, I found myself sitting at a loss when it came to find a username.

Even after class ended and I was making my way towards my locker, I was still stumped beyond belief at trying to find a proper one. There was so many people on this site, trying to make a simple name like Charmed was impossible. I was so busy playing around with different names on my phone, I neglected to notice that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going until it was too late. Smacking into someone's shoulder hard, I stumbled, dropping my bag and my cell phone altogether. I wince, watching as though my phone fell in what felt like slow motion. It fell to the hard ground, smacking against the linoleum floor. Luckily, it didn't break.

Releasing a sigh, I realized I'd have to thank Kim for the phone cover she surprised me with on my birthday. That was the only thing that saved my iPhone from an ugly crack. "I am really sorry," said a guy, picking up my cell phone and then my bag for me. Glancing up. I find the Conner Chase before me. Captain of Crestview's football team and all-around school hottie.
"Damn, are you carrying a body in here?" He joked as I accepted my phone and my bag back.
"I'd tell you, but then I'd have to put you in here too," I reply seriously, causing him to grin.
"Well, we wouldn't want that." He said seriously in return. "Name's Conner," he exclaimed, offering me a hand.
My eyebrows raised. As Conner doesn't remove his hand from in front of me, I realized he was serious. "Belle," I respond in surprise, returning the handshake.
"New student?" He said, throwing me a butterfly inducing smile.
I'm figuring at this point he must be joking. There is no way he was unaware we've attended the same schools since the sixth grade. But, as Conner waits for my answer, I'm surprised to find there was no trace of humor on him.
"Uh...Actually Conner, we've shared the same classes for a couple years now," I admit, inwardly wondering how big of a pinhead one must be to not remember we were chem partners just last spring. We even introduced ourselves. Heck, I even briefly dated one of his closest friends.
Conner looked surprised as I continued the short walk to my locker. "Seriously?"
"Yep," I replied, ticking in my locker combination. His sandy-blonde brows were now furrowed.
"You're for real?"
"I sit directly behind you in World History," I point out, trying to fool around with my lock. Unfortunately, my motions do nothing to open my locker. "Fiddle sticks," I muttered under my breath, hitting it once more to no avail.
"May I?" Conner asked politely. I nod, watching as he quickly put in the combination before giving the locker two hard hits. It opened easily. It was amazing he had my combination memorized just watching me put it in once. "The door jams easily. You have to hit it twice to come undone. Had this locker last year." He grinned.
"Thank you for that," I sigh, stuffing four of my books and three notebooks into the locker. While a lot of people take to decorating their lockers, mine sits bare on account of it always being a struggle to open the darn thing. As I shut my locker and make my way towards the cafeteria, I'm grateful from how light my backpack now feels. I notice Myles headed towards me. "No need, got it open!" I motion for him to head on without me.

He grinned while tossing me a thumbs up. I'm slow following Myles in, enough so that three people got in front of me by the time I make it to the line. I didn't even notice Conner was following until he tapped my shoulder from behind me. "You seriously sit behind me in History?" He questioned as I grab a banana and a plate of french-fries to go with my taco. He didn't seem to believe me.
"Yep. Wednesday's homework was that pitiful true or false questionnaire based on Germany's technology advances." Even as I paid for my food, he still watched me curiously as if I was some exotic creature he had never before seen. His watching me was slightly unnerving. Or maybe because there was a small group of junior girls watching him watch me that made it uncomfortable.
"Huh," said Conner thoughtfully. I even hear him next mumble something along the lines of forgetting to do that assignment. "You eat french-fries?" he asked next as he paid for his overflowing tray of food. It was shocking the guy looked so muscled in a school uniform. With two cheeseburgers, a large burrito, a plate of nachos rimmed with toppings, three chocolate brownies, and his own plate of french-fries filled high with nacho cheese and bacon bits, it was genuinely surprising that he wasn't overweight in the slightest. To top it, he even grabbed two 1-liters of soda to help wash his enormous meal down.
"Yeah, I eat french-fries," I replied, inwardly knowing I'm going to be irritated if he makes some catty remark about what I eat when his tray is stocked high with that much junk food. But to my surprise, he does not. Instead, Conner smiled. "It's refreshing to see a girl actually eat," he said, cocking his head towards the cheerleading squad's table.
I knew what he meant. Crestview's cheerleaders were all exceptionally thin or just all-around bulimic. It was notoriously known around the school that no one made the squad if they were larger than a size 4. All that goes onto their plates at lunch is a small salad or the occasional fruit. Even with the salad, I never saw a dressing that wasn't a vinaigrette. "Yeah." With nothing more said, I head over to the table where I see Myles and Kim waiting for me.
As I arrived to take a seat, I found they were discussing the differences between superhero movies in the 90's versus the newer versions of our time. I had the growing suspicion Kim doesn't truly care about discussing Tim Burton's batman movies as opposed to simply talking to Myles in general. She would probably talk about the appeal of mud if it was a topic that was interesting to him. After all, it was hard to miss the girly laugh Kim provides when Myles says something funny, or, her twirling her hair around him as she chewed on her inner cheek. Heck, every time when we're in a bathroom together she'll adjust her push-up before we're about to see him. She has a huge crush, one that therefore makes me not have the heart to break it to her that Myles isn't interested. She somehow doesn't notice the annoyed sigh or roll of eyes from him every time she suggests the three of us do something incredibly girly together.
As I'm about to take a seat to dig into my plate of fries, I'm surprised Conner has taken a seat across from me to sit next to Myles. It's comical. Slowly, Myles, Kim, and I all turn to look at where Conner is sitting. Even the entire table of cheerleaders turn to stare at where Conner is sitting, too. Conner Chase, meanwhile, pays no attention to the staring of all those around him. Instead, he rips into his double cheeseburger, happily munching away as if he's oblivious to the stares. As soon as he noticed I was watching him, he looked down at my fries. "Something wrong with them?" He asked worriedly, glancing at his own plate of fries.
"No... I was just wondering why you're here..." I trailed off, raining an eyebrow.

He sighed, setting his burger down. "Well, why are any of us here?" He asked philosophically. "Is there a higher power called God that put all of us measly humans here, or did a big bang spontaneously create the universe?" he said. "Hell, maybe the big man upstairs made the big bang." Conner nodded "But, I don't really know how to answer," he said with a disappointed sigh, causing me to grin at his sarcasm.
"I'm pretty sure she meant why you're at this table, man," said Myles, biting into his own burger. He took slow, deliberate bites, his eyes never leaving Conner as if in a distrustful way.
As I glanced at Kim, I noticed her eyes were as wide as saucers as she turns and gives me a silent look. It's one that's obviously asking the question What is the school hottie doing sitting here?! I had no response for her.
"Well, I just met Belle here and she informed me we share the same History class together. Who knew?" said Conner before taking another mighty mouthful of his burger.
Myles cocked an eyebrow. "You just noticed that?" He snorted, obviously as amazed as I was Conner just figured this little nugget of information out today.

Conner nodded politely ashe finished chewing. "Yeah. Strange, too. You would think I would've knowna beautiful girl was sitting behind me in History this last month," he said.Another butterfly inducing smile taking over.
The rest of our lunch period passed by with the three of us getting to know theConner Chase. Conner surprisingly, was a far cry from his spoiled rich-boypersona that everyone seemed to always peg him for. We also seemed to catch theattention of everyone in the cafeteria by having him with us. Granted, Myles,Kim, and I would never be what people consider gossip worthy, we hadpractically every gossiper in sight eye-balling our table with amazement asConner sat with us the entire time. Myles had seemed to warm up to him, upuntil Conner left the cafeteria to head off to get books from his locker. Afterthat, his dark eyes narrowed into slits. "Yeah..." he trailed off,"I don't like him," he announced nonchalantly, scooping the remainderof his jello out with a spoon.
"You sort of just met him today," I pointed out with a laugh.
Myles waves this off airily. "But what kind of idiot doesn't realize he'sbeen sharing the same classes with someone for the last two years ofhigh-school?"
"That really dreamy one who just left," Kim giggled, tossing me aplayful wink. "He so totally likes you!" She whispered, as a herd ofcheerleaders throw Kim and I a suspicious look as they passed.


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