End of the School day

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2:45, finally I said under my breath just as the bell rung. It was the end of the day. I was going to walk to the high school after class where I would meet up with my mom. Before I left, my friend and I walked around the school for about 20 minutes looking for her book she Lost. After we had no luck we decided to leave and head home. She took her way home and I started off towards the high school.

I have bad social anxiety so I like to call my best-friend while walking alone. Me and her were talking and soon I was at the train tracks, 6 minutes away from the high school. I was walking down the side walk and stopped at the abandoned church to let the person in front of me pass by because he was on a bike. After looking at him for a good second i realized the person was my crush, Blake.

          Just as he was about to pass me he slowed down. I was so happy I told my bestie I would be back and hung up. He came to a stop and smiled and said hi. Of course I smiled back and said "hey how are you?" In a sweet voice.

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