Spa Treatment

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"You have so many black heads," you whispered louder than you intended.

"What do you mean?" Your husband asked, not looking away from his computer.

You were sitting in his lap, legs wrapped around him while your body rested against his. It was a comfortable position you had gotten used to; Jumin was often busy and unable to relax. He had a million things to think about and even if you took up the majority of the space in his head, it didn't just make the rest of his worries disappear.

So you both decided spending time like this was the best. Jumin was able to do his work while also keeping up a light conversation with you resting in his arms. And you enjoyed this, you liked being in his long embrace while you read or just flipped through your phone. You liked comfortable silence more than deep conversation and you knew Jumin liked it too.

You pulled your head away from his broad shoulder, a pair of ice cold gray eyes were staring at you with curiosity and you examined his face once again. "I mean for someone who has so much money, I'd think you would invest some into your own skin care."

"I use that cleanser you got me."

"Yes, well that's not enough to get rid of these."

"Do they bother you that much?"

"It's not that it bothers me, it's more that I'm just thinking about another thing I can teach you."

You pushed your husband back and squirmed out of his grasp. He was reluctant at first, not wanting to let the warmth that you were to him escape. You left the fancy study and walked off towards the bathroom.

Standing in place. He tried to focus his ears so that he could try and hear what you were doing. He had made up a little game in his, trying to imagine what you were doing by sound alone. He heard you open and shut cabinets and he could imagine you piling things on the counter in search of one particular item. He hummed to himself, knowing he was right.

Jumin got up from his maroon cushioned chair, momentarily and walked towards the bathroom, only you weren't there anymore. He saw the cabinets were left slightly open and when he opened them again he saw many bottles were missing.

He followed the sound of you soft humming and found you setting up trays and towels on top of the bed.

"Honey what are you doing?"

"No, I am not ready yet! Out out out! Go wait in your office until I come for you."

"What are you up to?"

"Get out!"

Jumin sighed but he couldn't hide his smile. He loved it when you did these mysterious things for him. It was true that Jumin didn't like the moments of anxiety he felt waiting for you to explain what was about to happen. It made him feel a little bit on edge, how ideas piped into your head and you only thought to enlighten him when you're ready. He didn't mind letting you take the reins, he just didn't like the idea of you leaving him behind.

After an agonizing 20 minutes you walked in, tying up your hair. Jumin immediately started to relax his posture, a smirk creeping up to his face. He reached for his belt and started to loosen it when you said, "nO. We are not doing that. Although it would be nice if you changed from those rich boy clothes into something casual. Come on, the salon awaits Mr. Han!"

Jumin rolled his eyes at your teasing look once he walked over to you. You knew how to rile him and he was beginning to realize you enjoyed messing with him a little too much. He was going to wipe that cheeky smile right off of your pretty face once he had the chance.

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