Chapter 9: Target: A surprise

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Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.

Target: A surprise

Naruto and Tayuya were in the recreation of his apartment within his seal. The reason was so Kyuubi could create a new seal to mark people that Tayuya found in the villages she entered. That way Naruto would be able to locate them later. Coupled with the Hiraishin mark that Tayuya would leave in the villages, not to mention the one Kyuubi would be working into the new seal, Naruto figured he'd easily be able to approach them even if she was no longer in the village.

It was going to be necessary going forward as Naruto was due to leave Suna in the morning and probably wouldn't have time to pursue the two women she had already zeroed out for inclusion. Tayuya had little doubt that she wasn't the only one sad about that as she knew the two Suna kunoichi had gotten used to having him around.

Tayuya grinned considering at the moment she was the one with him in the real world as well. They were both lying in her bed in the cheap apartment she had rented on a month by month basis. Much like in the hospital he was channeling Kyuubi's chakra into her so that she could be there to learn how to apply it when finished. Except unlike then they were both naked.

In the seal world they were still dressed and sitting side by side on the couch while Kyuubi drew on the wall modifying the formula she was working on to match all the criteria Tayuya had asked for. The former Sound-nin's smile widened as she thought of all the things she planned to do that night with Naruto as soon as she was taught how to apply it. Her smile dropped though when she noticed Naruto's face began to scrunch up.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not...Oh fuck," he suddenly shouted in a way that usually signaled his release.

Kyuubi spun surprised by his sudden outburst but before she could inquire as to what was going on he faded from the seal. Tayuya stared surprised for several seconds before it dawned on her what had happened and she blurted, "Those bitches." She cut her connection as well leaving a disgruntled Kyuubi behind as she began to once more feel the pleasure that the other women were experiencing.


"Oh fuck," Naruto shouted feeling a strange sensation as his consciousness was temporarily in two places at once as he erupted into the warm mouth surrounding his tool. The moment passed leaving him full aware of the small apartment that he had been occupying with Tayuya as they waited. He directed his gaze down his body to see Matsuri finish drinking his load with a pleased looking Ino saying, "How's he taste?"

"Like you don't know," Temari said sitting in a chair at the foot of the bed.

Pouting Ino replied, "I know, but I was hoping she'd share."

Temari's response was interrupted as Tayuya shot up saying, "Oh no you bitches don't. He's mine."

Temari glared at the red-head as she quickly said, "You're not the only one that's going to be separated from him in the morning you know."

"But I was the one that got to be with him the least due to my job," Tayuya countered.

Temari frowned since Tayuya did have a point as she and Matsuri had monopolized his time during the several days Naruto had been in the village as he waited for Gaara to finalize the list of Sand Genin appearing in the next Chunin Exam. However despite Tayuya's point Naruto could tell that neither of the Suna kunoichi were exactly thrilled at missing out on a chance to be with him on his final night in Suna. Ino decided to stay out of it since she knew she would have him all to herself for the trip back.

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