Chapter 2: Target Hinata

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Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.

Chapter 2: Target Hinata

The sun shining in her eyes was what woke Ino from the deep sleep she had been in. Sitting up in the bed she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looking about her realized she wasn't in her own room. "It wasn't a dream," she said more to herself not expecting a reply.

"Were you hoping it would be one?"

Turning to the voice, she saw a shirtless Naruto wearing only his orange pants as he leaned against the wall of his small apartment while looking out the window. He turned towards her waiting on her answer taking in her still nude form. Despite her lack of dress Ino didn't reach for the covers, as she felt no embarrassment, something she found rather strange. Realizing that Naruto was waiting on her answer she said, "No, it was probably the most pleasurable experience of my life."

She did blush in embarrassment when her stomach growled causing Naruto to chuckle as he said, "I'll make you something to eat."

As he walked to the kitchen area of his apartment, Ino watched him from the bed with a thoughtful face. Noticing it the male blond asked, "What is it?"

"Well, I thought that I was kind of your love slave or something. Shouldn't you be ordering me around?"

"I said the jutsu bound us," Naruto corrected as he began searching his icebox for his eggs. "As far as I can tell it means you're more submissive, and it may make you more prone to my suggestions. However I'm still more than capable of making breakfast."

Ino gave him a smile figuring that if she was some sort of love slave then she had probably hit the jackpot as far as masters went. Wondering what his next move would be, she asked, "Now what?"

"That's an interesting question," Naruto said, "How would you like your eggs?"

"Hopefully unfertilized," Ino said remembering to use the morning after jutsu since in her rush to get to Naruto's the night before she hadn't taken the proper precautions. "But for breakfast, scrambled."

"Scrambled it is," Naruto said as he watched Ino run the jutsu on herself while preparing her breakfast.

Finishing her meal, he scooped it onto a plate and moved it to his modest table. Seeing her meal was ready Ino stepped out of the bed not bothering to cover her nudity. Looking about the apartment she couldn't find what she was looking so asked, "Where's my dress?"

"It was rather wrinkled so I sent a clone to the cleaners with it," Naruto said enjoying the sight before him. "It should be ready in a few hours."

Ino shrugged sitting at the table to begin eating. Naruto had been about to offer her some clothes but seeing that Ino apparently didn't care about her state of dress, decided not to ruin a good thing. Sitting across from her at the table he watched her eat.

Ino finished her meal quickly due to how hungry she was. Pushing the empty plate away from her she said, "You didn't answer my question, what is it you intend to do now? You obviously plan to use that jutsu again."

Standing the blond walked towards his window to look out over Konoha. Finally, after thinking for several minutes he said, "During my travels with Pervy Sage, he told me that he dreamed of ending the hatred that was spreading throughout the Shinobi World, I suppose that's what I plan to do."

Ino stared at him for a moment before she started laughing. Naruto turned towards the laughing kunoichi, but he wasn't bothered by it knowing how insane he sounded. After she caught her breath she wiped a tear from her eye prompting the jinchuriki to ask, "Done yet?"

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