Chapter 10: I'm Still Into You

Start from the beginning

"No," I said.

"Ahh..." said Gojo, putting his arms on my shoulders to console me.

"Megumi, You've done your best for both of you. You've ended it to protect her. The breakup was unavoidable. I know it's not what you both wanted but some relationships are not meant to be, even though two can love each other so much. It's painful for me, seeing you like this... Anger, loneliness, guilt, and disappointment... All these emotions are valid and you should make room for them. Acknowledge them. That's the only way that you can grief about your love and relationship with Y/N. Neglecting them is pretending like your relationship never existed." Gojo continued.

"Gojo, it has already been a year. But I still couldn't forget her" I said.

"Healing takes as long as it takes, Megumi. Don't pressure yourself because a year has passed. Everyone has their own unique way of processing a breakup. This is simply yours." said Gojo.

I took a long pause, then said "Do you think she's moved on? After all, I was the one who hurt her. It's easier for her to move on since she probably hates me."

"Honestly, we'll never know. And it doesn't matter anymore. Whether or not she's moved on shouldn't affect your journey. Right now, it's time to focus on yourself. Do what's best for yourself, Megumi" said Gojo and flicked my forehead.

I covered my forehead and glared at him, furrowing my eyebrows. Gojo gave me a big hug but I pushed him away.

"No no no, that's enough for tonight," I said.

"Ahh, I see," Gojo said and playfully nuzzled my hair.

"Gojo..." I said while giving him the side-eye.

Y/N's POV:

I moved to New York with my dad ever since Megumi left me. We lived on the 19th floor of one of the tallest skyscrapers in the city. And I've finally completed my degree. New city. New apartment. New job. My surroundings may have drastically changed, but my feelings for him haven't.

Staring at the moon glimmering in the charcoal black sky from my glass window apartment brought me solace - as it reminded me that even though Megumi and I are apart forever, we're still under the same sky, looking at the same moon.

I felt so stupid. Why do I still long for someone who has stopped loving me? Someone who left me - taking a fragment of my soul with him? I guess my heart just wants what it wants. I never knew love would hurt so bad. And now I've been picking up the broken pieces, mourning for a love that was never meant to last.

I've been on a few casual dates, but they don't measure up to being with Megumi. Being with someone new only made me miss him more because it only reminded me that they're not him.

Burying myself into work has been my only escape. It was the only moment where I can put him at the back of my mind. But once the night came and it's time to sleep, I laid wide away, haunted by the memories that used to make me smile, by all the "what-ifs" of what we could've been. The mental images of his smile in my head that used to give me strength have now become nothing but a curse, breaking my heart all over again. I drowned in the random thoughts of him, slowly killing me inside like death by a thousand cuts. But no matter how much pain these memories have given me, my heart refused to let go.

It was one of those nights again... I darted my eyes to the clock, it's 12 am.

"Fuck... I can't sleep. But I have to get up early for work tomorrow." I whispered to myself.

I got out of my bed to get some water in the kitchen. I walked past Dad's working room and noticed his laptop screen still on and his desk was a mess.

"Dad?" I said as I walked into the room. Dad wasn't there.

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