Chapter 5

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My feet stood at the edge of the tall bridge we stood at. A bright orange bungee rope sat around me, ready to fall with me as I jumped. I heard the whimpers of the people behind me, getting ready to jump like me. Below me sat bright clear water. A boat sat down on the water, waiting to pick me up when my jump was finished. I pushed away the agonizing feeling in my stomach. If I died, I’d be with Zayn. If I lived, this crazy journey would still continue. I was losing nothing here. I was doing something I was scared of. I would have a good story to tell in the end.


“And you think it’s a good fucking idea to ride that big ass horse?!” I yelled at Zayn. 

His big brown eyes were lit with amusement. His smile was bright and cheerful. His hair was messy in a beanie. His head began to nod up and down.

“And why the fuck do you think that!? I’m terrified of these big shits.” I yelled again.

His deep chuckle sounded throughout the stable we now stood in. It instantly made me giggle, realizing just how much of a loser I was being.

“If you’re scared, you should do it. That way, you won’t be scared anymore.” His words pierced through me, making me question my fears.

“But what if something bad happens and makes me more terrified than before?” I questioned back, voice lowering by the word.

He shrugged, “Then you know never to do it again… and you have a good story to tell.” He chuckles again.

I smile, realizing his words just caused me to get up on a horse and ride it. I had been scared of horses since I was little. My face must have showed fear. Zayn’s arms enveloped me in a hug.

“Allie, everything will be fine. I’ll be riding one right next to you.”

I nodded my head, color coming back to my face after Zayn’s soothing words.

“Alright, lets get you two suited up!” The trainer clapped her hands cheerfully, entering the stable.


The beeping of the heart monitor sat next to me. My head hurt, my nose hurt, more specifically. Zayn sat next to me, reading a magazine, causing awkward silence to encircle us. Suddenly, his head jerked to me and I felt his eyes burning holes into the side of my face. I suddenly got self conscious  realizing just how bad I probably looked with bandages all over my face. He laughed, causing me to fume. I glared at him, and turned away, not letting him see my face. The silent treatment was now in full force.

“Well, how long are you gonna be mad for?” His hands played with the edges of the magazine.

Silent treatment was now out of the window. I turned towards him, wincing at how sore I was.

“You told me to do this! This was all your fucking idea Zayn! Not mine! Now look where I am. Sitting in a fucking hospital bed cuz the damn thing threw me off of it!”

“Hey now, I didn’t know your phone would scare it shitless!” He defended himself.

“Oh whatever!” With that it was quiet.

“Well now you have a good story to tell…” he said, a giggle escaping my lips.


“Okay, you’re going to jump when I finish counting down.” the instructor stated. I nodded my head quickly, beginning to take deep breaths.


I was doing this for Zayn.


He wants me to do this, to have fun.

P.S. I Love Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें