Chapter 1

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AN: dear god here's the first chapter, I hope you guys like it‼️

The plane finally landed after a long 10 hour flight from California to London, Lydia looked down to the row across from her seeing her bandmates getting up from their seats, she got unlucky and got stuck with two random guys who, thank God, kept to themselves. Lydia grabbed her bag and her, Aspen, Violet, and Claudia walked down and out of the plane. They managed to find a way out of the airport and found their other bags.

Once they were outside Aspen smiled, "Shit, we're finally here just like we planned in what 8th grade?" they smiled down at Violet.

"Come on, we still have to get to the train," Violet led the girls over to the small, dirty, rundown train station. Lydia sighed and pulled out her phone; opening her messages.

Wil :)))


"hey loser, we just landed we're about to grab a train"

Wil :)))

"you didn't crash good job!"

"joking, anyway how long are you staying at Tommy's?"

Lydia smiled down at her screen then started to type back.


"just for a bit, probably a monthish? 

We already have a flat in Brighton 

I just want to spend time with him y'know?"

"Lydia! The train!" Claudia shook her arm and peered down at her screen, "Ooooh you're talking to him," Claudia raised her eyebrows up and down and winked continually at Lydia.

"If you keep on doing that your makeup's gonna get ruined," Lydia turned off her phone and slipped it into her pocket, she jumped up and grabbed her bags making her way onto the train.

"When are you two gonna stop bull shitting literally everyone and get together," Claudia sat down next to Lydia and rested her head on Lydia's shoulder.

Lydia laughed, "For the last time I don't like him and he doesn't like me we're just close!"

"Sure," Violet said opening her book, "Just like how you don't love Taylor Swift?"

"You cannot compare those two," Lydia rolled her eyes, "Besides I'm not even his type, and I have streaming to focus on, music to focus on," Lydia continued to list of the things she had to do, everyone let out a sigh.

"Jesus Christ Lyd, stop denying it, "Aspen threw her arm around Violet, "Just like how I don't deny my feelings for Vivi here," Aspen made kissy faces at them. Violet put her hand up blocking it from her cheek.

"Never ever gonna happen, my standards aren't that low," Violet smiled slightly biting her bottom lip.

"Yeah ok," Lydia looked out the window at the trees that flew by.


"Oh shit this is my stop! I'll call you guys later," Lydia waved goodbye to the girls then grabbed her things and walked off the train. Pulling out her phone she texted her aunt that she had made it all in one piece and waited for her aunt to come and get her.

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