Chapter 4

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Wilbur's POV

I tapped my fingers nervously on my thigh, "Calm down dude she'll be here," George said to me as he walked over to me, holding two drinks.

"Yeah, you're right she wouldn't flake," I grabbed one of the cups and raised it to my lips, "What's even in this?"

"Uh beer? I dunno," George laughed and took a sip.

I shrugged and checked my phone seeing a new message from her, "She's on her way," I bit back a smile.

"Oh thank God, you've been moping around this entire time over her."

"I was not," I rolled my eyes and took another sip.

"So are you gonna tell her?"

"Tell her what?"

"How are you this oblivious?" George cocked his head to the side, "That you like her."

"I don't, she doesn't, I'm," I struggled for words as I felt my face heat up. Quickly I raised up the cup again taking a bigger sip than I had before.

Over the loud music George and I heard a car outside, we made our way through the crowd and George stuck his head out the window waving at the car yelling, "It's them!"

I quickly put my cup down and joined him at the window and there she was, climbing out of the back seat, slapping Aspen lightly on the forehead before turning to face the window smiling at me, "She looks good."

"Dude," George side eyed me.

"I mean in general she looks good Jesus George," I tried to change the subject, "We should go out and see them." George and I weaved our way through the crowd and out the front door climbing down the steps.

"Wilbur!" Lydia smiled and walked over to me hugging me tightly, her head just barely reached my neck.

"Hi Lyd," I mumbled into her head, didn't even notice how hot my face was. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment while it lasted, her warm perfume was the only thing I could smell.

"Come on," Aspen lightly hit Lydia shoulder, "stop acting like you guys are in a Netflix romcom and let's go inside." We awkwardly let go of each other, I noticed her face was just as red as mine. I smiled and could still faintly smell her perfume as she laughed at something Aspen said.

George slapped my back and smirked at me, "George I swear to God," I started as I rubbed my eyes.

"I'm not saying anything!" George put his hands up. I rolled my eyes, me and George followed the girls upstairs and into the loud party. Once we got in the girls said something and split up, Aspen dragging Violet over to the drinks and Claudia walking over to a group of people quickly joining their conversation. George looked at me then up at Lydia, "I'm gonna go talk to some people bye." George quickly walked away and disappeared into the crowd.

I looked down at Lydia, "Is that my flannel?"

Lydia's POV

His words shook my back into real life, "Huh? Oh!" I looked at my flannel remembering the first time Wilbur and I met in real life; he came to California for a week and spent the entire time with me. The day after he left I found one of his flannels that he left on my couch, I meant to give it back to him by sending it but part of me wanted to keep it so I did, "Yeah, you left it at my house when you visited me in California, want it?"

"No keep it, it looks better on you. Plus you'll get cold," Wilbur placed his hands on my shoulders as I started to take it off.

Perfume (wilbur soot x o.cWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu