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Please excuse any errors, it unedited because I damn near wrote a movie😩

It was spring time at West Coast High School. The popular seniors of the class of 1999 were sitting that their designated table. Will, Jada, Janet, Wissam, Jay, his junior girlfriend Beyonce, and Kenny all bantered among themselves.

"So everyone is ready for the trip right?" Jay asked.

It was time for their yearly spring break trip. This year was extra special because it was their last one before college and it was parent free.

"Yes. I'm so glad your dad got us a house, I was not sleeping in no damn tent." Jada said.

"It's going to be so fun. I can't wait." Bey added.

Jay bit his lip, "Neither can I. Our bedroom is really nice, perfect for-"

"Anyway, what's everyone bringing as far as food?" She interrupted.

"I got the drinks." Kenny said.

"I'm bringing the snacks." Will added.

"I'll bring the real food." Beyonce said. They were not going to be surviving on junk foods, alcohol, and soda.

"Good." Jay said.

"Hey everyone!" Toni, Kenny's new girlfriend said as she approached.

"Hi Toni." Beyonce said as everyone stayed silent.

They weren't very accepting of her since she started out as some nerd. She and Kenny got together over the summer last year and they had been inseparable since.

"Would you look at the time, I have to get the glass." Janet said as she and Wissam got up.

"I have a meeting with my counselor. Catch you later." Jada said before leaving with Will in tow.

Bey and Jay checked the time realizing they too had somewhere to be. They said their goodbyes before leaving them.

"They still hate me." Toni said sitting down.

"No they don't." Kenny attempted to lie.

She sighed, "Ken, it's fine. I just don't fit in. Maybe I should stay home this weekend-"

"No, look I'll talk to them."

"Then it'll look like I'm whining to you."

"Look, nobody hurts your feelings and gets away with it." He said protectively. He kissed her cheek, "Besides, this weekend is suppose to be special." He reminded her.

They agreed to take things to the next level on this trip since they'd finally have some real alone time without Kenny's parents being nosy or Toni's parents reminding them to "leave room for Jesus" every time they sat close to each other.

"I guess you're right." Toni said as he pecked her lips.


Saturday morning cane and everyone met at Jay's house.

"Okay everyone, we're leaving in 20." He said as everyone began loading their stuff in the cars.

"Where are your bags?" He asked Kenny who helped him stuff the women's luggage in the trunk.

"They're in my car. I'm going to drive. It's not like any of you have made Toni feel welcome." Kenny said.

"She's just different-"

"You mean she's not popular enough. I never thought you'd be so shallow."

Jay huffed, "She's changing you. We said we were all going to UCLA together and now you're going to Stanford. Wonder why?" He said finally speaking the truth about everyone's feelings.

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