Sugar Daddy

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I'm baaaacccckk with another request. This is from @babynicolee95...Super fun to write, hope you enjoy🤗


"Can't deny it he been on my mind
They get older they get better with time..."

Toni sat in the passenger seat of her friend and roommate's Benz taking a breath. This was the last resort before she would have to drop out of school. Lauren, her friend, knew some people in the high society that wouldn't mind slipping a check to a pretty young girl. Lauren had plenty of expensive jewelry and clothes from boyfriends 3 times her age.

"Ready?" Lauren asked closing the sun visor and putting her lip gloss in her clutch.

Toni nodded, "Yeah."

Lauren looked at her before going into her purse. She pulled out a flask.

"Here, drink this. You can't go in looking all nervous." She said.
Toni took the flask and took a sip from it. Her face scrunched as the strong liquor became acquainted with her taste buds.

"That's disgusting." She complained.

"Come on." Lauren said getting out of the car.

They went inside the fundraiser event and were met with dozens of well dressed people. You could smell the luxury in the air.

"Lauren, it's good to see you." A man said walking up to them.

Lauren smiled, "You too Mr. Danston, this is Toni."

"Nice to meet you. I've read a lot of your books. They are really intriguing." Toni said holding her hand out.

"Thank you." He said shaking her hand. Suddenly he looked off into the distance, "Oh, I should go greet one of my associates. I'll see you two later."

They nodded watching him walk away before Lauren turned to Toni with an annoyed look.

"Really? You read his books? These men don't want some nerd. They want a dumb bimbo who just stands there and looks pretty." She scolded.

"It doesn't hurt to have a little conversation." Toni said.

"Toni, sweetheart, I've taken you under my wing because I see something in you and you're broke so you need the money more than I do. I'm just here for diamonds, you're here for a future. Trust me, I'm the one you should be listening to." Lauren said making Toni look down at the floor.

Lauren never failed to make her feel inferior. Their friendship was toxic to say the least. The only reason she took the emotional abuse was because she felt she deserved it. After all, she was only friends with her because she knew Lauren's father was a doctor and he could get her an internship. Toni never met the man but Lauren talked about him all the time.

Mr. Danston returned bringing Toni out of her thoughts.

"Lauren." He called out.

"Yes?" She answered.

"Will your father be attending tonight?"

"No, daddy has lots stuff to handle."

"Bummer. Walk with me."

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