Locker room

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Julian opens the door to the locker room and quickly walks over to his gym locker. He waited till the last minute to go in to avoid all the transphobic remarks made to him. He quickly opens his locker and takes off his shirt and sports bra and slips back on his binder. He takes off his gym shorts and stuffs them into in bag. 

"Hey nerd nice to see you still got those big thighs." A voice behind Julian says. Julian hates when people comment on his body. He's a bit chubby having fat on his belly, thighs, hips and chest. Otherwise he's pretty thin. 

He knows Kurt's behind him so Julian quickly slips on his shirt and tries to grab his pants. 

"Hey calm down shortie I'm just here to have some fun." Kurt teases grabbing Julian's boxers and pulling them up hard and fast. Julian lets out a whimper and cups his crotch, his feet barely touching the ground. Julian is holding back a moan because secretly he had a huge wedgie kink, really he loved anything Kurt did to him.

"C-c-c-come on Kurt I'm almost off the ground please stop." He begged to the bigger boy. Kurt laughed and pulled harder. "Hey if you let me down I'll let you come over to my house. My parents are gone for the weekend and you can do whatever you want to me there ok?" Julian says trying to save himself from anyone else seeing him like this.

Kurt sets Julian down and put him in a shoulder wedgie. 

"Fine dork I'll take your offer. But you gotta walk home with that wedgie on." Kurt says messing up Julians hair. Julian quickly gets dressed and walk out of the locker room Kurt following behind him. 

(Heyy sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoyed stay safe and be good people)

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