Chapter Eighteen

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Me: Hey you knuckleheads! I've got a surprise for you!

Eric Carr: *is swishing fluffy fox his tail excitedly* Ooh...what is it? Tell us!

Me: *claps hands and then (*POOF!*) the entire spare building is decorated for Halloween*

Paul: Wow! This is incredible!

Gene: *is looking around for all the horror movie themed decorations* Quick question, why isn't there any horror movie decorations?

Me: Two reasons. Because one, the Ankh Warrior is terrified of anything to do with horror movies and the characters. And two, I didn't want to scare Baby Gia with all that spooky stuff, along with Suzy and the Fox's little one.

Vinnie: That was a good idea Emily, because I don't think I'd forget about all the horror movie stuff if there was any.

Me: Yeah, and there's plenty of things for all us to do, including the little ones.

KellerSinger18: And don't forget babe, we have to take Gia out for trick or treating.

Eric Singer: Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that.

Eric Carr: What's the kitten gonna be for her first Halloween?

KellerSinger18: Well, me and Gia went out for a girl's day and while we were doing that, I took her shopping so she could pick out her Halloween costume.

Eric Carr: *switches to his fox form and sniffs around in KellerSinger18's shopping bag* *yips* (Ooh...what's this?) *grabs onto the shopping bag, picking it up in his mouth and takes it to Eric Singer*

Eric Singer: Thanks a lot.

(*Everyone laughs at how the second Catman was being*)

Vinnie: Aww! It's is it?

Me: I know what it is! It's a Boohbah costume!

Tommy: A what now?

Me: If you guys haven't watched that show before you watched Teletubbies, then you're living in a different time period.

Peter: Could say that again in English?

Me: *laughs* Yes I can, you silly drummer! Boohbah is a British television show that was made by the same makers from Teletubbies.

Vinnie: *looks at the package that has Baby Gia's costume inside* Oh okay...I think I understand now.

(*Baby Gia's very first Halloween costume*)
(*Ignore the model*)

(*Baby Gia's very first Halloween costume*)⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️(*Ignore the model*)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Me: Well then, let's get this Halloween party started!

Paul: Okay! *turns on some Halloween music*

(*Meanwhile, Suzy is hiding from Eric Carr while wearing the Fox's Kiss makeup, the Fox's Kiss costume, and some fake vampire fangs*)

Suzy: *whispers* Now, time to scare the mess outta my pipsqueak...*giggles quietly*

Me: *is dancing in the middle of the living room to the beat of the Halloween music that was playing on the boom box* Yeah! 💃

Vinnie: *chuckles* You're so silly Emily...

Me: Not as goofy as you are when you make those voice impressions of Gene.

Paul, Peter, Ace, Tommy, and Eric Singer: 😂😂😂😂😂

Gene: *grins mischievous* Very funny Emily.

Eric Carr: *is in his fox form chasing Bruce in his animal form*

Bruce: *barks* (You can't catch me!) 🐶 😛

Eric Carr: *yips* (Oh, yes I can!) 🦊😜

Me: *giggles while recording the scene of the Fox and the Dog chasing each other with my phone* Silly fox! 😆

(*Out of nowhere, the lights turned off by themselves and everyone stopped what they were doing*)

Peter: Oh Lord...*switches to his cat form and hides behind Ace*

Eric Singer: What's happening now? *also switches to his cat form and hides behind Tommy*

Suzy: *sneaks up from behind the Fox* BOOOOOOOO!!!! 👻

Eric Carr: AHHHHH! A MONSTER! 😱 *rushes out the back door in his fox form, jumping through the doggie door as he did so*

Vinnie: *quickly switches to his animal form, which is an Egyptian banded cobra, and quickly slithers away to find a safe place to hide when no one was looking* (Hiss!)

Suzy: HAHAHA! I got ya sooo good! 😂

Tommy: Wait a planned this?!

Suzy: Yep! I did it all by myself.

Me: You really gave us all fright! Well played Suzy. Well played. 😏

(*Me and Suzy both do a high-five*)

Ace: Um...does anyone have the slightest idea where Vinnie and the Fox ran off to?

Me: Huh? *looks around to find that Vinnie is not where he was standing before*

Paul: *looks underneath the furniture and even the curtains*

Me: Vinnie must have slithered away in his animal form when he got spooked by Suzy.

Suzy: *giggles* Aw, but it was so funny! *takes off the fake vampire fangs*

Me: Maybe he's hiding in a place where most snakes like to be in.

Eric Singer: Let's check outside. Maybe the Fox is hiding in the fox den.

(*Everyone goes outside the backyard*)

(*Gene Simmons looks underneath the fox den while holding a flashlight and then sees the Fox curled up into a ball, shaking and whimpering in fear*)

(*Vinnie is in his snake form, and he's fiercely protecting the frightened fox*)

Vinnie: *hisses* (Back off!) *and then kicks dirt at Gene's face with his tail*

Gene: Argh!  😖 *wipes the dirt away*

Suzy: I can smell him! *looks underneath the fox den* There you are, you foxy little rascal.

Eric Carr: *whimpers and yips sadly* (You scared me so much, my vixen!) (Please don't do that anymore) (Eric has had enough of spooky scary noises*)

Suzy: Okay, I won't scare you too much next time.

(*Suzy switches to her fox form, crawls underneath into the fox den, and leads Eric Carr outside so he can get warm*)

Me: *switches to my cat form and gently picks up Vinnie in my mouth and carries him inside the spare building so he could also get warm* Ohh're shaking.

Vinnie: *slithers down to the floor and then curls up underneath an Egyptian-themed blanket that Emily had set up for him*

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