○<《Chapter 14》>○

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《Chapter 14 - Rosella》×÷×+××÷×+××÷×+××÷×+××÷×+×
This chapter includes a little bit of sexual references and abuse.

Please do not read if uncomfortable.

While Sukuna has left to see this Rose person I have decided to hang out with Liam and Penny in the kitchen.

Liam asks while flipping something in a pan "Why aren't you going to see Rose with Sukuna? I thought you were his bride".

I reply "I don't want to get involved, from what Sukuna says it sounds like he used to make love to her and probably still does".

Penny scoffs while tucking her brown wavey locks behind her ear "That Rosella Helen is a skank, no good blood in her".

Liam replies in a soft tone "Yeah, plus we all know Rosella and Sukuna are using eachother. They use eachother to get money and sex".

I say in a grossed out tone "I don't think I want to hear anymore".

Itadori barges into the room throwing a tantrum and shouts "PENNY! THE WITCH OF THE WEST IS BACK!"

Penny chuckles and says "I told him that's what she is" while nudging my arm.

Itadori finally notices my existence and falls silent looking at the ground unhappily.

I say feeling guilty "I was trying to get Sukuna to heal me, I'm sorry I had to kick you out of the room".

I see he isn't budging, I continue "You are a good kid Itadori, I thank you for sticking up for me but I really didn't want you to worry and do the out burst you created".

Itadori asks in a small voice "D-Did Dad help you?" I reply truthfully feeling guilt sink into my being, "He didn't".

Liam asks "You wanted to take down Sukuna before the wedding right? Why don't you get dirt on him since he will be busy with Rosella today?"

Penny hushes Liam and says "Not in front of the kid! That is so rude to talk about his father like that in front of him!"

Itadori plays with a crumb on the floor with his foot and says "I don't care, I want to help Mum..."

In my seat I say "Come over here" He does so and I pick him up, sitting him on my lap.

I ask Penny and Liam "I have an idea. Liam... You're my friend right?" He nods with a soft smile, I say "If this Rose woman asks if I am Sukuna's bride I want to pretend that's not true. I don't want to stir some crazy fight with a skank and her infatuation for her sex partner".

I continue "Can you pretend... to be my, you know?" Liam asks with a smile "Boyfriend?" I nod, he says nicely "Of course, I said I would help you".

Itadori says excitedly "You are going to be my Dad!?" Liam laughs and says "Not really kid, you see, Y/n isn't related to you and neither am I" ruffling his fingers through the boy's hair to reassure him.

Itadori pouts.

Penny says sadly "I'm afraid I can't help your genius plan, Rosella is staying the night so Sukuna will be forcing me and the others to make a grand private dinner for his ungrateful arse".

I say sympathetically "It's alright, if it makes you feel any better, I heard that some chef's spit in people's food they hate before serving it".

Penny smirks and says amused "Ooh my goodness! You really are a genius! Thank you Y/n".

She with a skip to her step gets to her stove to start cooking.

Liam serves me an omlette and says "You need breakfast my dear" I giggle and cut my omlette in half for Itadori.


As Liam and I walk towards the main staircase I say with my voice low "Since Rosella will distract Sukuna like you said that should grant me time to sneak into his study".

Liam nods, I take his arm and say "Just in case" Liam asks concerned "You are worried aren't you?" I nod and rest my head against his shoulder.

Liam says with a smile "It's okay, you have Penny and I".

At the top of the staircase arrives Sukuna and Rose talking to eachother with big grins while Diana stands by them nervously holding a plate with their drinks on it, my grip tightens, I say lowly "I don't want to talk to them..."

Liam nods and we turn to walk away from the staircase, Diana spots me and shouts "Miss!"

I wince, and bury my face in Liam's arm, Liam's beautiful dark toned arm wraps around my shoulder and holds me closer, he says "It's alright".

Sukuna walks down the steps growing a stern expression and Rose asks "What is your bride doing with the chef? Such a scandal!"

Liam asks confused while turning around "What on earth do you mean? Y/n isn't Sukuna's bride, she's mine".

I manage to get a look at Rose, she has long black hair, red eyes that match Sukuna's and a tight revealing white dress.

Sukuna grabs Liam by the collar and asks angrily "What are you doing outside the kitchen boy?"

I stand up straight and say "How dare you touch my husband to be! I am sick of you accusing us of things we aren't and abusing us!"

Rose squeals in delight and says "What a scandal indeed! Oh Sukuna, you didn't have to lie stop trying to make me jealous! I doubt you would ever settle for this little rat anyway! She's dating the pitiful chef in the mansion!"

I smirk and say "Yeah, I am dating a pitiful chef, but he's mine, and I love him that way. Please I think you should marry Sukuna!"

Sukuna looks at me from the corner of his eye full of confusion in his expanded eyes still griping Liam's collar.

I say "Afterall who would deny that you two are perfect for eachother, am I wrong?"

She laughs and says bashfully "Oh stop it! I never knew a rat like you could have so much charm to herself! Maybe you're not as bad as I thought".

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