The Great War

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 Ares was sitting gracefully on their couch watching the hit tv show, coco melon. They had a nice big bowl of perfectly cooked chicken nuggets between his hands. They reached for their iPad and started playing Roblox, getting bread crumbs from the chicken nuggets all over the screen, thou coughed cutely, tiny bits of spit came out their mouth as they coughed. But then, all of a sudden, coco melon turned off, the absolute horror and distraught on his face still brings a tear to my eyes just thinking of it, how could this of happened? Then their iPad turned off, ares didn't know what to do. Then the door slammed open, revealing darkness all around, Ares was being kidnapped.

Over in west Lanton, Ethen and pluto were also watching coco melon, but not for much longer. They heard a knock on the door, "who could that be?" pluto said with a stressed tone, she opened the door and to her surprise, it was Jame, shivering in the snow, "Jame?" pluto said astonished that Jame walked all the way here "come in- what are you doing in west Lanton?" pluto was worried that something happened to Jame or worst, ares. "Ares, Our god, has been kidnapped," Jame said looking at the floor with tears in their eyes, pluto grew a shocked look on her face "But how? Ares is 1,000,000,000 feet tall, and can lift the entire solar system with thou pinkie!" Ethan said, also bawling xeir eyes out "thou got drugged" Jame said looking at the floor "but what will we do? we're only 0.11111111111 foot tall!" Pluto replied. "We will fight, with swords, big ones, who every took ares will pay!" Ethan said as the others nodded.


Now that they had their swords they set off to find Ares, and eventually, they found xem, locked up in a big dungeon- guarded by beasts! Although, they were no match for Ethan, Jame, and Pluto. They strutted inside the gates with confidence, although Ares was not there in person, thou was there in the heart. A big, fat, slimy monster -Almost like Ethan's mom- crept towards xem, Ethan raised xeir sword and sleighed the beast with one swing. Jame approached the entrance, she listened to the strange noises inside, but, the only normal noise was the sound of ares singing castaways, Jame, Ethan and pluto started jamming out to ares singing, but then pluto realised that when they all rescue ares they can hear ares sing forever. So they kicked down the door. 

The monsters ran towards them at full speed, but, ares believed in all three of them, and that gave Jame, Ethan and pluto the strength to defeat the beasts and rescue ares from this place. They got ares out of the cage he was in, but then a huge dragon came out of nowhere! "stand back" Ares said stepping towards the dragon "I've got this" Ares leapt towards the dragon and punched it right in the nose! "OUCHIES! that hurt... ow... yeah I was going to kill you but, jeez... that hur-" The dragon said before collapsing to the ground "thou is so brave," said pluto "I know, that is why thou is god" replied Ethan "I want to be just like thou when I grow up!" Jame said. Ares stomped the dragons' dick in to finish the job, and they all went home to watch coco melon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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