Chapter 5: Goal

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Narrator POV


His name wasn't the most common one, it was even unique in it's way

But for it to be unique, it had a downside

Because of his name, Y/N was brought down, humiliated, and laughed on by others

Maybe it was because he was too prideful to ask for help? Or maybe it's because he was too stubborn to give up?

We may never have our answer, but Y/N already had his

No matter who will be against him, or will try to stop him, he will keep moving forward, until his goal will be achieved

But, even with how stubborn he was...... He never fulfilled his duty

And his goal right now, was to kill that man, who wanted to destroy the people he loved

But, he knew that he was too weak to beat him and get out of it alive......

That is why..... he made his mind

Y/N took the sword of Agata, and assumed his stance, as the man in front of him, did the same

They both stayed silent, until Y/N made the first move, and slash at the man upward, that was swiftly blocked 

He jumped back, before they clashed swords, glaring at each others

They got to the next level, clashing around the battlefield at an unbelievable speed

Avrora: I-I can't see them at all.....

Galina: T-They are at another dimension of power......

Man: I have saw many Honkai fighters in my life, but never have I saw one of them talking about pride 

Y/N: Because you think you can understand what is this pride for us?

Y/N send upward the sword of the fighter, who then tried to punch his side, but Y/N slashed at his arm, stopping the hit

Man: I do not need to understand the Honkai. All I need is to destroy it, until there is nothing left

He kicked the sword of Y/N, as his arm healed instantly, and grabbed his sword

Man: You will die like this foolish girl

Avrora: W-What did you said about Agata?!

She was about to go and charge at the man, but one glare from Y/N stopped her instantly

Y/N: If you get here you will just be in my way! Shut up and stay where you are!

Avrora: B-But-!

Bella: Don't move, and just observe

Avrora looked at the fight again, and see the man disappeard from sight, as Y/N rushed to his sword, and looked around frantically

He then blocked a stab aimed to his stomach, but it still managed to hurt him

Y/N kicked the man on the side, sending him toward the forest, before rushing after him

Galina: Y-Y/N can win!

Avrora: Let's go and retrieve Agata, Galina!

Galina: Y-Yes!

They rushed to their friend aid, but Bella didn't move

Bella: No.... He can't win

She looked at a trail of blood who was leading toward the forest, as she started to be worried

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