chapter one

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Its a typical Thursday morning on October the 21st of year 2021. Im sitting down doing my work in art class, then we hear the announcements. "Seniors report to the cafeteria", a voice says through the intercom. I'm a senior so I get up from my seat and start heading there with my classmates and other seniors. When I'm there, I sit down at a random spot and then look up. On a giant screen there is a picture of my principal. She's wearing formal attire and has her long black hair down to her shoulders. There's a really big smile on her face. When everyone takes their seat, the principal starts talking. "Good morning everyone", she says. No one says anything. "Good morning", a few people say quietly. She smiles again. I hate that smile. "How are you all doing today?" No response. "Good?", she looks around the cafeteria, but no one says anything. Then she clears her throat and starts speaking. "So it has been brought to my attention that a lot of you all got offended by what I said at the presentation on Tuesday, and I just wanted to apologize." Silence. There's complete utter silence. "I'm sorry that you all got offended." The cafeteria goes silent. I already know what everyone else is thinking. I'm thinking the same thing. I'm not buying this apology. This isn't a real apology. "You see, what I was trying to say was completely taken out of context. I never meant for it to come across that way." Okay and? So what if it was taken out of context? You admitted you didn't mean it that way so just apologize for wording things wrong. She's really getting on my nerves. I change my sitting position and yawn. This presentation hasn't even started and its boring me to death. "Okay guys, you all see this picture of me? This is me. That's the real me. I'm a human being", I stare at the picture. Then she changes the slide and there's a different picture on the screen. "That was me when I was your age. I just graduated from this school. United High school." Okay..? I'm so confused right now. "I went to college in San Antonio then came back here and taught eight years as a teacher at an elementary school, then I was a middle school teacher for four years, then I became a vice principal at this school. I love this school so much. That's why I always say Go Horns." I never once heard you say that crap and I don't care if you did, why are you telling us this??? "It's been an honor to work at this school. And I'm proud to say that this year, I am your principal." Well you failed miserably. There's nothing to be proud of. Just look at what you've done. There's a different picture on the screen now. It's a picture of herself with other people. They're all smiling at the camera. God, what is this? "Guys, you see this? This is my family. I'm a human being. I have a family too. I love my family, I love them to death." Okay? "I was a young girl in this picture. I was your age. I liked to wear mini skirts too but outside of school. In school, I come here to work and do my job so I have to follow the dress code." Everyone looked about as confused as I was. "Listen we all have to follow the dress code whether we like it or not. That's just how it is. That's just how it works. You all took it out of context and made it about boys and disrespect when that wasn't what I meant." This has nothing to do with boys. Disrespect, yes, you were slut shaming. You said 'if I tell you to bend over and I see your underwear then its too short.' Why would you ask anyone to bend over? Perv. I rolled my eyes at that. "The only reason I know that you were all offended was because you were all posting about it on social media. I was told that. I don't have social media because I don't like drama. You were all making a big deal about this but not one of you came up to talk to me." She sounds upset now. Nobody said anything. The cafeteria has been silent since I got here but this silence feels deadly. "If you have something to say, go and tell me and I'll listen." I find it funny that she's saying this because a few weeks ago, I was going to do that to report an incident. I told the vice principal, who told my new counselor-also the head counselor. She's a bitch by the way. They all are. Nobody did anything. "You all can't win. You can't beat the adults. We're the ones who make the rules here." Jokes on her. Who does she think she's talking to? Everyone in here is going to be a legal adult next year. Including myself. "So I would like to announce that the softball team scored a win at the game last week! Congrats ladies!" There's a few claps here and there, but no one seemed too happy. Good for them I guess. "Congrats to the basketball team! the tennis team! and the.." Blah blah blah blah blah. "Next week we're going to have a movie night and then we'll be having Senior week. There's so much to do this year and it's going to be the best year for all of you seniors. Let's make the best out of it and stay away from drama, let's all have fun, alright? Love you all, Go horns!!" With that, I stand up along with everyone else. I can't take this anymore. I don't know whether to laugh, cry from second hand embarrassment, or get upset. Maybe do all at the same time. So I just focus on leaving. Most people have already made their way out so I'm one of the last ones to leave. I look behind me and for a split second I thought I saw a green flash before my eyes. The principal's face looked distorted and some green liquid was oozing out of her face. I closed my eyes, opened them, and looked back again. She looked normal this time. Smiling at me, even. I didn't smile back. I just brushed off what I saw and walked away.

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