ONESHOT |Test (Phobos)

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Phobos stood behind a control panel, beyond it is a room separated by a glass wall. A test room. In that room you stood, completely clueless of what had to come. Is this how tests really go? He doesn't remember agreeing on this. Oh hold on...he didn't care how things were done before, he just wanted things finished. He didn't care what happens to the experimental subjects. Why else would abominations and sleepwalker patients exist? Phobos reassessed his selfish decisions as he looked at you through the glass. 

"State the purpose of this test again Agent S1." He asked, eye not looking away from you.
"This is to pressure Project Divine Gem to use their abilities, Sir."
 "And if they get injured?"
 "According to your researchers, it should be fine for as Project Divine can heal fast"

The Director tensed. His emotions and logic contradict each other. You can heal. It will be fine. But. He doesn't want you hurt.

"Test #1 is beginning" one of the scientists announced. The test room's wall opened and revealed various artillery aiming at you. Empty space turns into a dangerous environment. The Director watched as the scientist's hand go towards the button. It felt like it was slow, but in real-time it wasn't.

 And so the scientist did.

"Agent S1. Do you agree with the procedure?" Your dad hoped that the Agent would come up with a logical reason that he would agree to. A reason just to cover up his emotions and care for you.

", sir? This test is risky. If Project Divine were to get injured it would delay the other tests which in turn delays your other plans too..?--And they're just a kid" The Agent mumbled the last sentence, gulping nervously for they are certainly not the one to ask such a question to.

 "Precisely" Phobos leaned to the control panel and made the weapons return back into the wall.

"Can't you think of another, more sufficient way?" He said in a stiff disappointed manner. All of them were quiet. Too scared to talk, the scientists nudged on the Agent. Once again, forcing them to speak for the researchers.

"Sir, Project Divine Gem refuses to participate with the researchers. Participate in the more "sufficient" procedures. It has been observed that they are only willing to trust you, Sir Phobos. Their abilities are more activatable in the presence of someone they know."

 "Then it shall be done that way" Phobos marched towards the door of the test room. 

("Please, Can you stop making me talk for you, the Nexus Staff? Next time he'll smite me if I say the wrong things."-Agent S1
"You're the consultant and Valet Agent S1, it's your job."- Dr. Crockpot
"Consultant and Valet OF Sir Phobos, NOT Spokesperson for the staff")

Entering the test room, Phobos saw you waddle towards him.

"My Godling, we have a special task today"

You looked at him with curiosity.

"Show your power my Godling." Phobos knelt to your level.  You held out your hand to him, a globe-shaped light appearing on your palm. Your expression was so happy. You showed it like it was a drawing that you were so proud of.  Phobos' heart softened seeing that smile on your face. He felt his lips curl up.

("Did they do that before?"
"Not at all"
"Take notes! Take notes! Record everything! Document!)

"Very good." You felt a pat on your head.

"Is there more you can do Godling?" 
After a few seconds, the light on your palm floated away, letting it travel through the air. The singular form of light later then burst gently. Particles of mini-lights scatter the room, like a swarm of fireflies during the night.  

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